Monday, December 28, 2009

almost a new year

Well christmas is over and now we are only 5 days away from a new year and hopefully a new beginning. I have been working since the 24th of december and I am really starting to drag, I will be off on wednesday morning and will get 4 days off. Jason and I both had to work these holidays so it did not bother us to work. Hope everyone had a good christmas and see you all in the new year.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

New pictures

We got our pictures taken this year on the 28th of November. We thought that we would have both of our dogs with us but that was a very interseting day with our black lab. Pepper is only 7 mths old so she would not stay still for us. We did get some good pictures with us even snuggles looked at the camera. It was a very cold day.

Monday, December 14, 2009

We will miss you!!!!!!

Archie Lee Wells Sr.
On monday the 7th, we lost a loving father and friend to a brain tumor. The thing that I will remember the most was taht he always had a smile on his face. When Jason and I first visited him in the hospital in October he tolded me a story on how Jason got his nickname "shadow". He tolded me that when Jason and Cameron were younger, Jason would follow Cameron around like a shadow. Before we left for the night he told Jason and I that he would like a "lil shadow" and that is or was on his grandpa's wish list. When we went to visit him a week after his first surgery in october, he was moved over to the rehab side. He was doing his rehab but the only thing that he wanted was to read his scriptures and he found one for me to read. He looked at Jason as a son and it was hard to see Jason cry during the funeral, but he was not the only one, I was right along with him. The day he pasted it was snowing and on saturday the 12th was the funeral and it was snowing till we got to the cemetery. Then it quit.

His wish was to be taken to his final resting place by the westren state garbage service that he worked for 20 years. In the picture above shows Archie resting on a platform that Cameron made for him. He will be greatly missed, but he will always be in our hearts and watchin over us.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Finally snow!!!!!!!

I don't have a pictures of the snow that we got in 2 days and I know its not as much as other places have been getting......... It's starting to feel more like christmas and it would be nice to have a white christams..... The only thing with me is that I don't like this cold weather and its sad that I don't cause I remember going hunting in this kind of weather but colder...... What Happened???????

Jason and I finally had a date night on friday. I dragged him to New Moon and he actually liked it due to some of the action that was in it.. It was a good movie but I did not like the ending to it..... We finally got our proofs and then we are ordering the pictures and thening hauling but to send out christmas cards...... I am falling behind on things..

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

falling asleep

Here lately I have been having troubles staying awake at work. I guess it does not help when I only check in a total of 2 patients during my whole shift. Doing thins to keep my mind busy is not helping like it used to. Being on my computer at night does not help either and you can only stand being on the computer for so many hours.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Last day of November

Can you believe that today is the last day of November?????? I can not believe it and yet it does not fell like winter at all. We have no snow on the ground yet and it seems like we will not have any the rest of this week unless for some strange thing the weather changes and it snow and dumps a lot on the ground. The only thing with that is that I am not ready for the auto accidents that come with it on the roads. I would love to have a white christmas this year and hopefully everyone will be safe on the roads cause I am working on the ambulance on the 24th, 25th, and the 26th of December. Happy Holidays everyone.

Friday, November 27, 2009


I hope that everyone had a good thanksgiving with family and friends. Jason and I spent the day with his mom and then he had to go to work, so I stayed over there for a while.

Today I went and got my hair cut and I can tell you this that its different then I have ever had it. It looks good. Jason and I will be getting our pictures done tomorrow for the holidays this year and we will have our dogs in it. Jason has been busy working the holidays and I have been staying at home most of the time. Later today I met up with Kelly (my mother in law) and aunt lousie and went shopping and then went and watch the christmas in the night itme sky. It was fun to watch and then we went to the mall and drove around it and looked at the christmas lights that they have put around it. After that we did a little bit more of shopping and then I came home. It was nice to be out of the house for that long period of time. Until the next holiday.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

reading, reading, etc......

Well I have just finished a book by the author who wrote Perfect Chemisty, the name of the book is Leaving Paradise and the sequel to that book will not be out till the summer of 2010....... I have been reading a lot which is pokay since it gives something to do even after I am done cleaning house.......

On monday Jason and I got our bedroom set delivered to us, but the only thing that is not in our room are our two dresses that came with it. They are sitting in the living room, so hopefully we will have everything put together by this weekend....... So much has gone on these past weeks...... Pepper ended up having to get stiches put in her leg and we are trying to figure out how she got the cut. The cut went clear down to the muscle and they kept her over night to watch her..... I guess they had to put her out to do the fixing....... Hope everyone has a good holidays.......

Monday, November 9, 2009

Did a lot of cleaning

On thursday Jason and I went to Boise again to visit family in the hospital and then got to go see my brothers new place up in the mountains. I would really love to live there being out way from the town and the husle and busle of all of the traffic and all of the noise.....

On the 4 days that I had off work from both of my jobs I did a lot of cleaning up around the house. I'm not completly done but it was a start and the house looks a lot better now. I still need to finish the kitchen and comnputer room and then get started on the spare bedroom. I am hoping to be able to start triming the trees outside around the house..... The thing that sucks is that I did not get to do what I wanted to do to the outside during the summer, due to me working a lot...... So this next spring and summer I am hoping to get everything done or get it started...... I can not believe that Thanksgiving is just around the corner and that we have only about a month and a half left of this year and then it will be a whole new year. How crazy is that.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Trip to Boise

On October 29th, Jason and I headed up to Boise to go visit our friends parents in the hospital... We were not that far behind him either... On our way up to Boise it was actually snowing but it was not cold enough to keep its shape and to turn the ground white. We went and visited his mother first before she went to bed for the night and I guess she has had a hard time sleeping, knowing that she will be having open heart surgery...... A doctor came in and talked with us and then gave a prayer for her. Then the family went and got dad and brought him to her room so that they can do a blessing..... We finally took dad back to his room and visited with him for awhile before he went to bed. He told Jason and I that he would like to have a "little shadow". His nickname for Jason is "shadow" and I got to hear how Jason got that nickname. It made Jason and I laugh. Then he said that its on his grandpa's wish list...... (writing this right now, make me tear up cause I hate seeing someone that Jason considers part of his family being in the hospital.)

Jason, Cameron, and I went and got a hotel room, so they could get to sleep since we had to back at the hospital by 6 am to see mom before she headed up to surgery. If was a hard night for the 2 boys and the rest of the family..... She made it through the surgery and now is recovering..... Everything went well with her surgery..... We are looking at heading back up to Boise on thursday to go see them and how they are doing..... Then hopefully Jason and I will go and visit my brother and his girlfriend at their new house up towards Idaho City......

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

waiting, waiting, waiting

Well I just got off work this morning and I am still sitting at work........... The reason why I am still at work is because I am waiting for 10:30 am to come around for my MRI appointment. I really hate to admit this but I am really scared of having this done....... For some reason deep down I keep thinking that I am not wanting to get the results do to maybe getting some bad results back. I have been trying to think positive but ever since finding out about my high hormone level and trying to figure out why my OB/GYN never ran lab work on me before putting me on clomid........... I am now happy that I finally bit the bullet and made that appointment with DR. Cannon....... Cause we are now getting things figured out with myself........ Until next time, I am hoping to have some more answers.......

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Still reading

Well I have been reading books from P.C. Cast and her daughter call the House of Night serice. I am on the 5th book right now and the 6th book will not be out till october 27th, which means that when I get home I will be heading into Barnes and Noble to buy the book. I did buy another book that is buy L.J. Smith that about phyicis. I have not read that book yet but I will start reading it when I get finished with the book that I am reading right now.

I have also been trying to figure out and where to have our hoilday pictures done. I have also been trying to figure out if I want them done by a professional our have my mother in law take them. So hopefully here soon I will be posting some new pictures of us and hopefully we will have our 2 dogs in them also.

Monday, October 19, 2009


Well I figured that I better update friends and family on whats been going on since the 14th of this month.......

I finally broke down and made an appointment with Dr. Cannon in Burley for the 14th.. I went for my visit and talked about things that we can do before it comes down to seeing a speacialist. He had blood drawn to check my hormone levels. Well on friday I get a call to set my appointment for the 19th of this month for my US and then I get another call from the nurse at the office telling me that one of my test came back high and that the dr. would like to have the test ran again. So on the 19th I go in to have the US done and then after that have my blood drawn........

Enough of that bad news.........

Jason will be starting up full time with Transystem during their beet season...... I am hoping that we will get to spend more time together, but the only way thats going to happen is if I would quit saying yes to working on the ambulance to. I have been figuring out when Jason will have a weekend off and thats when I will make sure that I have that time off as well. Hopefully we will be able to take a week in April and head to Califorina to see family.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Jason's new wedding band

Well for our wedding anniversary gift from me to Jason is that I took him in and got his finger sized and had him look at wedding bands. When he found the one he liked I went ahead and got it ordered for him. Just two weeks ago I was able to get it ordered and then last week I gave it to him. It looks weird on his finger cause I have been so used to him not wearing one. He even tells me that it feels weird to have it on his finger also. It looks good on him.

I ended up going back to Barnes and Noble to get more books and noticed that L.J. Smith came out with another book to the vampire diaries, so I bought that one along with the first three books that P.C. Cast has wrote to a series of hers. I have started reading the vampire diaries and will probably get that one finished either today or on tuessday and then I will start on the other ones. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

We had our 1st snow fall

I can not believe that we are already in the month of October and we get our first snow on the 4th. The same day as Jason's birthday. Jason got to spend his birthday without me cause I was down at my parents house, but that okay cause We will spend time together when I get off of work on wednesday morning. Jason as also been working with Transystems already since he is not able to get into the fields to finish the hay that is down.

I have came to the conclusion that I am not ready for this cold weather at all. I have nto been able to get out any of my winter cloths yet and I am need to get more warmer cloths since I had cleaned out my closet this last spring. Both of my jobs have been steady since the flu season is now into full gear along with everyone thinking that they got the H1N1. The holidays are not that far around the corner. We have halloween, then thanksgiving, then christmas and then the final one for the year of 2009 is new years eve.

Grandma had surgery on the 5th of october to remove cancer from her left eye socket again. They said that the surgery went well and that they had to remove the bones around the eye socket and then take skin and fat from around the stomach area to be able to reconstruct that area. She is staying over night and then hopefully she will be able to come home the next day.

Until next time......take care everyone

Sunday, September 27, 2009

another entry

Well I have started reading the vampire diaries and as soon as I get those done I will be starting to read the perfect chemistry, which has nothing to do with vampires, thats okay with me cause it gives me a different varitey. I had a good weekend by working the declo football game on friday. Declo beat filer 59-8 which was sad cause the points that filer made where during the last 2 minutes in the fourth quarter. On saturday I went to Tara's wedding. I am happy for both of them and wish them good luck.

Tara's Wedding

Tara, T.J., and I
Cutting the cake
Their cake

Tom and Tara

Tara and her dad

Here are a few picture from Tara's wedding on saturday. It was a beautiful wedding and she looked gorgous. The reception was fun. It was good to see people that I knew there and hang out with them.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Done reading the Night World Serise

Well everyone I just finished reading the Night World serise all three volumes. They are really good. Volume one includes secret vampire, daughters of darkness, and spellbinder; Volume two includes dark angel, the chosen, and soulmate; Volume three includes huntree, black dawn, and witchlight. The next book that comes out in April 2010 is called Strange Fate. This will conclude all the book. I can not wait to read want happens. Now I am going to go to Barnes and Noble when I get off work and pick up the Vampire Diaries by L.J. Smith, the same author that wrote the Night World serise. I may just pick up the other vampire books by P.C. Cast, not to sure what I will do next. These are really good books. If you liked reading the Twilight serise then you may like these books. I will let you know on how the other books are as soon as I get them and start reading them.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Can't put the book down

Well when I was in colorado my friend Candace and a good collection of books from the harry potter series to the twilight serise. She had these other books that were about vampires, werewolves, witches, etc.....We went to barnes and noble and i bought the Night World books and there are 3 volumes. In each volume there are three books...I have finished the first volume and started on the second volume. Let me say that I can not put the books down at all. This does give me something to do besides always being on facebook.

I have finally started cleaning our spare room and then I will tackle the bathroom in that room and get it cleaned. After I get all of that done I will start to clean the kitchen. I have been so busy working that I have not kept up on the kitchen and the spare room. I feel really bad for letting it go like that. Jason has been doing his best on helping. He has been doing the laundry and washing dishes and taking out the garbage from the kitchen and bathroom.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hanging out

eatting at Jimmy John's at the 16th street mall
Cimonie's new hair do

Cimonie making us snacks

Cimonie dancing for us to a song off of so you think you can dance

Cimonie happy to see me when I arrived
Here are pictures from hanging out at the house. I love going and spending my vacation with them. The only thing that sucks is when its time to leave. There have been times that I just don't want to come back home. I am hoping to plan a longer trip there so we can do more then what we were able to do. Sorry for the picture over load.

more pics

Cimonie giving the shark a hug

getting ready to watch sponge bob in 4-d

feeding the sting ray

one of the sharks swimming by the glass

a lion fish

mother and daughter watching the tiger eat.

Cimonie got excited when she seen nemo and dad swimming. In the vehicle on the DVD player she was watching finding nemo on the way to the aquarium. We had a lot of fun that day. If anyone goes to Colorado I would go to it. The kids or just the parents would enjoy it.

more pics from downtown aquarium

Cimonie did not like this bird at all
We don't look like we are to sure on getting close to the monkey

This is my favorite picture of mother and daughter

A seahorse just hanging out on the rocks

DownTown Aquraium, Denver, Co

Be prepared for picture overload. Here are some pictures from my trip to Colorado and along with the downtown aquarim and the 16th street mall.

Cimonie and I getting wet from the flash flood that was demostrated.

Candace and Cimonie passing for a minute to have a picture taken

Cimonie making the cuties face

This was the first stop of the aqurium that we did here. Cimonie is always looking off somewhere else.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Concluding my trip

Well I headed back home on the 6th at 7:30 in the morning and arrived at my parents house at 5 pm and that was including stops. I had a blast on my vacation but I wished that it could have last longer then what it did. Jason came down to see me when I got here. It was really good to see him since I have not seen him for a week and my work schedule the rest of week does not let me see much of him still. He will be going to montana for transystems to pick up truck to bring down for the beet season that is getting close to starting and then he will be home late saturday. I am used to not spending time with him during the summer with him farming and with me working extra shifts at my other job.

Well its back to work for me so I can pay og the bills that I made for myself on my trip. Pictures soon to come.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Day 4 of my trip

Today was a blast. We went into Denver to the downtown aquarim. They had a lot of different types of fish, snakes, frogs and sea water animals. We then got go feed the sting ray and Cimonie went and had her face painted. We did a 4-D ride of sponge bob. That was so much fun that we ended up doing it twice. We went to the 16th Street mall where it's all outside and had lunch and went shopping.

We had a very long day and you could tell that Candace and I were wore out, but not Cimonie. She got her second wind and she ready to go again. I spent my last night hanging out with Mark, Candace, Cimonie, Mark's parents and Javier before heading back to my hotel for my last night here. I will be heading home in the morning around 7 - 8 am. There will be pictures to follow of our trip to downtown Denver.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Day 3 of my trip

Today was another good day.......I slept til 12:30 pm and did not get up in time to go have lunch with Candace. I felt so bad....I met up with her when she got off work and went and picked up Cimonie from her grandmother at the ball park. Candace's in-laws run the concession stands during the games for the school season and during the summer. I enjoy seeing them and spend time with them. They are like another set of parents to me. I got 12 new pictures of my niece and including a new family picture.

I even got a couple of pics of her doing a modeling session...It was for photography class to teach them how to use light and props. They turned out real cute and then I got some of her dancing for us and playing. She had me playing tea party with her and then we would go and hide from each other and then would chase each other. Tomorrow is going to be a long day, so I am going to head to bed and get up early to get ready. Talk to you all later.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Brighton, Colorado day 2

Day 2:
Well its day2 of my vacation. I arrived in Brighton, CO around 12:30 pm and got checked into my hotel. I went to the store and got a few things to eat since I have a fridge and a microwave in my room. I went over to Candace's house around 6 pm and then went to dinner. We went and had mexican food then went and seen Mark's parents at the high school. Cimonie has grown up so much, I can not believe it. The pictures above are of my room. The thing that I liked the most is the shower wall. I would love to have that around my shower at home. We have so much to do tomorrow when they get off work and the saturday is going to be a very busy day for Candace, Cimonie and me. We are going into Denver to the mall, to the aquarim and then we are going to go take pictures for fun. Talk to you all soon.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Colorado Trip

I started my trip to colorado at around 8:30 am. I made it to tremonton to fill up with gas and to stretch. When I took the excit towards Cheyenne we ended up being at a dead stop and to sure why we were. I thought that it may have been a accident cause there was a cop that went by with his lights on. We sat there for about 20 to 30 minutes before we finally got movin. I stopped at Rock Springs to top off my tank and then head to my final destanation. I arrived in Laramie around 5:30 pm got a hotel room for the night. Above is a picture of the room that I am staying in. Do you really think I need 2 beds??????? They must think that I do.
I am going to go take a shower and then I am going to relax and hopefully will fall asleep quick. Until the next day of my trip.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Recap on this year so far..........

Lets see here........The year started out to be a good year. Everything was going good. I had Visian lens implants done on my eyes and was seeing at least 20/20 a week after my surgery. I was picking up more shifts at my second job. My friend Tara had her little boy in June, he is such a cutie and looks a lot like his dad.

Once August hit it seems like everything just went down hill from there. I find out that I had a uncle who had a massive heart attack and was first life flighted to twin falls and then was life flighted to st. luke's in boise. Where they put in a balloon into his artries and now has to go back this month for open heart surgery. Then I find out that I had a aunt who fell and broke her hip. She is now healing and is back in her home. I am hoping that this month will go better then last month. I will be heading to Colorado for a few days to spend time with my friend and to get away from all of the drama and stress that I am dealing with at work and in my personal life. I am hoping to start losing more weight and will be able to go on a vacation in 2011 with my husband.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Last day of august

I can not believe that it is the last day of august. Tuesday will be the first day of september...I will be heading to Colorado on september 2nd, so hopefully I will have some pics to post of my trip. I am going to visit my friend and her family. The last time that I had seen them was November of last year. I am ready for this little vacation that I will be taking the only thing missing is Jason going. He will be busy working on the farm and trying to get everything caught up before harvest season is up.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Trouble sleeping

For the past few weeks I have been having trouble sleeping......Even when I am sleeping during the week. All I can do is tose and turned and then I get up around one in the morning and again I am up till about six in the morning. I am finally taking a fews days off from work and heading to Colorado to visit friends and to get away from work along with every other types of stress that I am dealing with.

Jason has been so happy since he finally got a promotion at Transystems to be a trainer. He has been on cloud nine since last week. He has been working for that position since he has been working with them. I am happy with for him.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Thursday the 20th

My first tattoo.....Its a bear sitting behind a crystal ball.

Here is T.J. at about 10 weeks old
Tara and I finally was able to get together and have a lunch date on thursday of last week. She brought T.J., Maddy and Abby with her and Tom showed up later. It was fun getting caught up and I finally got to hold T.J. He is such a cutie. He slept most of the time but when he was awake all he wanted to do is eat.
After having lunch with Tara I finaly broke down and got my first tattoo. Gina's husband did the tattoo for me and I got to say that he does a really good job. I am thinking about getting another one later down the road.

Fair Week

Here is one of the bull riders after he was thrown off. Name Sunny Munze

A bull rider just came out of the shuts

Here is the rodeo clown doing one of his acts

I know that these pictures are late. Here are some pictures that I took when I worked the last night of the Cassia County Rodeo. That whole week was a busy week for me. I only got to see Jason for one day and the rest of the week I was either working my 3 days at MMH or the others were on the ambulance. I got so tired of eating maple bars and fair food that I am glad that its over and in the past.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Camping at FS Flats

one of the cow mooses that walked near our camp....right behind this one was another cow moose.

Shamus having breakfast at the table

Shamus watching the campers next to us with their dogs

What I looked like after four wheeling with my dad.....We went clear to Bosteter then back to Rock Creek/.

Shamus is ready to ride the four wheeler or is he wanting to drive? good question......
We headed up to the south hills on thursday and got a really good campsite at FS Flatts.......I had fun being there........ I came back home late friday night and then headed back up on saturday night after I got off work.......I wish that I was able to stay up there a little bit longer but I have to get back to work......I can not wait till the next camping trip with my family......Jason was not able to stay like I did cause he had to work up he did come up on thursday and the he came up on sunday and we all headed back home.

new pics

Jeff and Talia
My mother got some new pictures of Jeff and Talia........... These two look so cute........and if you notice Jeff is starting to thin out on the top...... They are now both busy working, Jeff has been busy with fires and Talia has been working in the warehouse getting the equipment ready for the firefighters that are in the forest service.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

nice weather

I can not believe how nice the weather has been but for the first three days I am usually sleeping during the day cause I work graveyard, but after working my three days I get to enjoy the weather. I get to go camping with my family on thursday up in the south hills and I can not wait to go. Finally a little break from work.........

Last tuesday the 14th........I ran into Tara at Love's and got to see her little guy.......They named him Thomas Leroy Robinson Jr., but they call him T.J. for short....He is so cute and adorable.....Jason and I would like to congradulate Tara, Tom, and the girls and the newest addition to their family.

Jason and I hope that everyone is doing good and enjoying the weather......We hope to see you all soon.

Monday, July 13, 2009

It's been 4 months!!!!!! can u believe it?????

Well here towards the end of July I will be heading back up to Boise for my 3 month appointment to see how well everything is going. If any of our friends and family does not know on March 17th, 2009 I went and had what they call Visian lens implants done on my eyes and it has been 4 months on the 17th of July since the surgery. It's been funny watching me cause at times I keep wanting to push my glasses on and I end up poking my eye or when I get back from driving and I end up leaving my sun glasses on.

Jason and I are doing good. We both have been busy working. Our new puppy is now 3 months old and she had her first vet visit. She was to happy to go. We finally got her a dog run, so we can start keeping her out side. Jason has told me that she only cried for 10 mins and then she was quiet. I hope she is okay.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Enjoyed the 4th of July

Hope everyone had a good 4th of July......... I went to Chailis with my parents to meet up with my youngest brother. We then went into Stanley to have lunch. We were not able to meet up with Jeff cause he actually had to work. It was nice up in the mountains except that it did rain off and on when we were there. It is so green up there but you can till that it is starting to dry out. I have never seen some many campers even in Red Fish Lake. They did have part of the lake closed off. When we got back home it was real since and it was still warm. I felt bad that Jason was not able to go with us due to having to work.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Half way through the year

I can not believe that we are now half way through this year. Anymore it just seems like the years just fly by. I remember when I was in school that I could not wait for summer and then I could not wait to graduate from high school. After graduating months seem to fly by fast each time. I just had my 10 year school reunion in June, but I did not go to it. I ca not believe that I have been out of school for that long cause the drama that I usually have to deal with makes me feel like I am back in school. People just need to grow up and start acting their age.

Hope everyone is enjoying there summer.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Playful Dogs

Pepper rolling over with her toys

Jason helping Snuggles play tug a war with Pepper
Jason was playing with Pepper when Snuggles jumped in to play tug a war. It was the cutest thing that was going on. I like the fact that since we have had pepper, snuggles has been staying outside more and playing a lot more. Snuggles has taught Pepper how to escape out of the back yard, but Jason did fix that problem.