Friday, September 4, 2009

Day 3 of my trip

Today was another good day.......I slept til 12:30 pm and did not get up in time to go have lunch with Candace. I felt so bad....I met up with her when she got off work and went and picked up Cimonie from her grandmother at the ball park. Candace's in-laws run the concession stands during the games for the school season and during the summer. I enjoy seeing them and spend time with them. They are like another set of parents to me. I got 12 new pictures of my niece and including a new family picture.

I even got a couple of pics of her doing a modeling session...It was for photography class to teach them how to use light and props. They turned out real cute and then I got some of her dancing for us and playing. She had me playing tea party with her and then we would go and hide from each other and then would chase each other. Tomorrow is going to be a long day, so I am going to head to bed and get up early to get ready. Talk to you all later.

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