Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Recap on this year so far..........

Lets see here........The year started out to be a good year. Everything was going good. I had Visian lens implants done on my eyes and was seeing at least 20/20 a week after my surgery. I was picking up more shifts at my second job. My friend Tara had her little boy in June, he is such a cutie and looks a lot like his dad.

Once August hit it seems like everything just went down hill from there. I find out that I had a uncle who had a massive heart attack and was first life flighted to twin falls and then was life flighted to st. luke's in boise. Where they put in a balloon into his artries and now has to go back this month for open heart surgery. Then I find out that I had a aunt who fell and broke her hip. She is now healing and is back in her home. I am hoping that this month will go better then last month. I will be heading to Colorado for a few days to spend time with my friend and to get away from all of the drama and stress that I am dealing with at work and in my personal life. I am hoping to start losing more weight and will be able to go on a vacation in 2011 with my husband.

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