Monday, October 12, 2009

Jason's new wedding band

Well for our wedding anniversary gift from me to Jason is that I took him in and got his finger sized and had him look at wedding bands. When he found the one he liked I went ahead and got it ordered for him. Just two weeks ago I was able to get it ordered and then last week I gave it to him. It looks weird on his finger cause I have been so used to him not wearing one. He even tells me that it feels weird to have it on his finger also. It looks good on him.

I ended up going back to Barnes and Noble to get more books and noticed that L.J. Smith came out with another book to the vampire diaries, so I bought that one along with the first three books that P.C. Cast has wrote to a series of hers. I have started reading the vampire diaries and will probably get that one finished either today or on tuessday and then I will start on the other ones. Wish me luck.

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