Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Trip to Boise

On October 29th, Jason and I headed up to Boise to go visit our friends parents in the hospital... We were not that far behind him either... On our way up to Boise it was actually snowing but it was not cold enough to keep its shape and to turn the ground white. We went and visited his mother first before she went to bed for the night and I guess she has had a hard time sleeping, knowing that she will be having open heart surgery...... A doctor came in and talked with us and then gave a prayer for her. Then the family went and got dad and brought him to her room so that they can do a blessing..... We finally took dad back to his room and visited with him for awhile before he went to bed. He told Jason and I that he would like to have a "little shadow". His nickname for Jason is "shadow" and I got to hear how Jason got that nickname. It made Jason and I laugh. Then he said that its on his grandpa's wish list...... (writing this right now, make me tear up cause I hate seeing someone that Jason considers part of his family being in the hospital.)

Jason, Cameron, and I went and got a hotel room, so they could get to sleep since we had to back at the hospital by 6 am to see mom before she headed up to surgery. If was a hard night for the 2 boys and the rest of the family..... She made it through the surgery and now is recovering..... Everything went well with her surgery..... We are looking at heading back up to Boise on thursday to go see them and how they are doing..... Then hopefully Jason and I will go and visit my brother and his girlfriend at their new house up towards Idaho City......

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