Monday, October 19, 2009


Well I figured that I better update friends and family on whats been going on since the 14th of this month.......

I finally broke down and made an appointment with Dr. Cannon in Burley for the 14th.. I went for my visit and talked about things that we can do before it comes down to seeing a speacialist. He had blood drawn to check my hormone levels. Well on friday I get a call to set my appointment for the 19th of this month for my US and then I get another call from the nurse at the office telling me that one of my test came back high and that the dr. would like to have the test ran again. So on the 19th I go in to have the US done and then after that have my blood drawn........

Enough of that bad news.........

Jason will be starting up full time with Transystem during their beet season...... I am hoping that we will get to spend more time together, but the only way thats going to happen is if I would quit saying yes to working on the ambulance to. I have been figuring out when Jason will have a weekend off and thats when I will make sure that I have that time off as well. Hopefully we will be able to take a week in April and head to Califorina to see family.

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