Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Wishing everyone a merry Christmas. Jason and I tried to come down to burley cause I was going in to work for four hours at MMH, nut when we got a mile from Kasota exit we got stopped first but then was able to get through the first snow drift. Then when we got to mp 202 or 203 we got stopped due to two semi drivers that got stuck due to a snow drift and then we got stuck behind a third semi driver. We were waiting on snow plows to clear the road but then we were told that they closed the road. We turned around and headed back to Kimberly. So I had to call into work. We are now sitting at home watching TV and we will be heading out to my father in laws house later on today. I was hoping to get to spend Christmas with my family but it looks like that did not get to happened this year, so we will come down when that weather is not so bad.

I never thought that I would ever get stuck on the interstate due to drifting snow, but it did happened. We finally got to have a white Christmas and it has been awhile since we have ever had a winter like this.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Let it Snow!!!!!!!!

Well it looks like we may get to have a white christmas this year. I am happy that its snowing the only thing that I do not lile is having to drive on the roads. I can not wait to go snowmobling this year or after the new year. I am kinda of ready for christmas but not really. I have not been able to do much christmas shopping this year cause I really do not like to go out and shop during the holidays anyway.

Jason and I want to wish everyone Merry Christmas and Happy New year!!!!!!!!!!!!!
See you all next year.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Two weeks ago I finally went and seen Twilight. I got to admit that it was very good. Jason went with me and he actually stayed awake through it and he even liked it.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Last Month of the year.

Well it is now December 1st the last month of the year and no snow yet. Over the weekend I got to go see my Aunt Tina. My cousin brought her down for the thanksgiving holiday so the family can see her. I have not seen her for over 4 years. My cousin moved her to a home in Portland, OR who helps with patients with brain injuries. She looks good and it was good to see my cousin, his wife the their two children.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Good News

Well last friday the 21st, I went and got a second opinion about having lasik eye surgery and to understand the reason why I was not a candiate at Restore Vision. I went to Boise with my mother and grandma cause my grandma had an appointment with her radiation doctor at St. Luke's, so I was not far from my appointment. I got there a bit early to fill out paperwork and to tell you the truth I was nervous sitting there cause I did not know what the outcome was going to be. I was taken back into a room where the nurse had me look at an eye chart with my glasses on. I had to tell her which lines were clear to me then I had to cover each eye after that. Then she took my glasses to check the prescription and she was surprised on the strenght and yes I will admit that I do not have good eye sight. We talked about the reason why I was told that I was not a candiate for Lasik and that I was not given a reason from the center.

I then went into another room where she had me look at a red light so she could measure my cornea's and then tested my pupils to see how big they get in the dark for night vision. She did explain that my cornea's are to thin, but she will run some numbers to see what the best procdure would be for me. She came back and told me that I could still have the Lasik but I would only be guarnteed about 90% of my vision and that I would probably have to wear glasses and or contacts. The next option was to have a lens implant done and that would the best option for me. We talked more about the lens implant and that when its put into the eye it goes inbetween the pupil and the orginial lens of the eye. They do not remove the original lens, so basically its like a contact but permant but it can be removed if vision in the changes and be replaced. So after the new year I will be planning on having the surgery just don't know which month it will be. Stay tuned

Monday, November 24, 2008

Recent pictures

Jason is trying to keep me from falling off the train. Does it seem like he is trying???????

Here is another picture that we had fun doing that day.

On saturday, november 22nd we had pictures taken by a family friend. We went to the boat docks near the Burely golf course, then we went to the caboos that is next the Idaho national guard building. We even finally had one done that we included our dog Snuggles.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Finally here are pictures from the Halloween party at our family friends house. Here jason is being shy or course. It never changes with him. I do not know what my dad is doing in the back ground.

Jason and I, it seems like Jason has had one to many drinks that night and it also seems like we have a couple of friends in the background. Casper the friendly ghost and the skelton prisoner.

My dad being true to what his t-shirt says. the mask seemed to scare the kids that night also.

Here is me holding baby wyatt. I am waiting on Jenny to make the bottle to feed him. Most of night I helped take care of him, so I had only a couple of drinks that night and then I quit. I had to much fun taking care of him. We even fell asleep on the couch together.

Finally, here is mom praciticing being a grandma. We all had a blast that night. When we all get together it seems like all of the parties everyone is having fun drinking or not drinking. Hope you all enjoy the pictures.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Bad News

Well on November 13Th I received a phone call from Restore Vision. they told me that the surgeon said that I am not a candidate for the lasik surgery, PRK, or the wavefront. They then said that they recommend the lens implant. The girl on the phone seem rude and did not want to give another eye doctor that specializes in the laser and implants.

I was so upset that Jason had to call the other doctor to get information. Well I sat around thinking about what to do. Jason and I talked and he told me what would it hurt to make an appointment with the other doctor and have the free evaluation done and see what their opinions are. So i made that appointment for the 21st of November in Boise. Well I will see what they say and think. Good Luck.

Monday, November 10, 2008


Well I did not think that I would go to the Albion Haunted Mansion but I did. I went with Jason, his mother, a friend and their son. The first two buildings were not that great, but the third building was good cause you did not know what would be coming around the corner. Then on november 1st we went to a halloween party at a family friends house and it was interseting to see what everyone was dressed up as. I just went as myself but I got to take care of a friends new born while she played cards and of course the new born and me fell asleep on the couch together.

As soon as I get the okay from the eye doctor I will hopefully will be getting the eye surgery done in january. I am scared but I am hoping that it will improve my eye sight so that I can be free of glasses and contacts. The pre-op doctor did say that I would probably have to wear some type of correction due to the astigmatisum that I have in both of my eyes but my right is worse.

Friday, October 31, 2008

It's Halloween

It is finally halloween. Time for the ghouls and goblens to come out and play tonight.

Jason and I decided that I am going to have the lasik eye surgery done after the new year. I am a little scared cause this ig going to be the first surgery that I have had ever. I have to go back the eye doctor and have two more tests done and also watch a video then I will be making two trips to Boise to see what kind of surgery will be best for me. Then hopefully then I will know how much time I am going to have to take off of work to give me time to recover or when my eyes will have time to recover.

I can not believe that we only have two more months left in the year of 2008 before the new year. It seems to me that this year had just started but then again it just went to fast.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Hoover Dam

I was on top of the dam when I took this picture. Here it will show how much of bridge that they got done and that they working on more supports that will run underneath the bridge to support the road. They said that the bridge is about 800 to 900 feet above the colorado river.

This picture I took when I was looking out through one of the vents located on the side of the dam. I got a different view of the dam, bridge and the river. Here you can tell how far the bridge is above the river.

This part of the bridge is on the nevada side. They have made a lot of progress. The road that leads to the bridge is all paved up to the bridge.

This part is on the arizona side. We are coming down the hill heading to the dam when you get a veiw of it. A lot has changed since the last time I was there and that was over 3 1/2 years ago.

Here is Tara and I sitting in our last class of the day. Here we met a guy from Delaware who said that about two years ago he came to Idaho to help with the forest fires that we had. As you can tell tara and I had been laughing when he took the picture.

Vegas EMS Expo

Tara and I was walking to strip heading to the M&M store when we seen the red M&M standing outside waving at everyone and taking pitctures with people so we decided to get a picture with him. We both were tired here cause we had got back from being at Hoover Dam, taking a tour and looking at the bridge that they are building over the canyon. this was our last night in Vegas and the next day we headed back to Idaho.

We were waiting to take our tour through the dam. Tara held up her plastic yellow hard hat up when I took this picture. People with the plastic yellow hard hats took a tour that went past the generators through some of the tunnels. We got to see the first crack in the dam, look out through one of vents on the side of the dam and then we took an elavator that took us onto the top of the dam.

This is in the exibt hall at the conference and Tara and I decided to take a picture in front of the fire truck cause if you close on the window it says spartans. Yes, Tara and I went to Minico High and our mascot is the spartans. We had a blast at the conference and even in the exibit hall.

This picture was taken on our first night in vegas. We went down a day early so we could register for the conference and reflax before we went and sat through class. We are in front of New York New York were we made our first stop and got a drink and then we went and had dinner. We would each night walk about two blocks to the strip and then we would do more walking. We went to Treasure Island for dinner one night and then walked back to our hotel from there. Another night we went to Tournament of Kings, which is a dinner and a show) and I got to admit that is was really good. We even took time to get souvniers for people. The conference was a blast too.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

First snow fall of October

Well I got up this mornign about 5:30 am to get ready for being on call when my husband told me that it was snowing. When I left home it was not bad but as soon as I got onto the interstate heading to burley and the closer that I got to burley the more snow that was on the road the slower that each vehicle got.

I went upstairs at my parents house and noticed that it is still snowing and that there is a lot on the ground. The only thing that I am happy about is that I will be heading to vegas tuesday morning with Tara, so hopefully the weather there will be a bit nicer and warmer. I will hope that I will have some pictures of the snow on here as soon as I can.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

TWILIGHT - The Official Movie Site

TWILIGHT - The Official Movie Site

Click on this website and enjoy the new trailer of Twlight.

Count down to Vacation

Well finally Tara and I will be leaving for Vegas in 5 days for our EMS conference that we signed up for. Jason and Tom were going to go with us but with them trying to get summer harvest wraped up before snow starts to fall. They both decided that they will stay here to get finished up. SO yes that means that it is a girls trip. Can not wait to see what kind of things that we will learn at this conference.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Where has the time gone!!!!!!!!

Where have the days, weeks, months and the year have gone. I can not believe that it is already the tenth month of the year and we are almost half way through this month already. It has been awhile since I have posted any blogs but I have been busy with both of my jobs and trying to get the house back in order since I am hardly even home. The holidays are not that far away. The only things that I have been waiting for is to see the first snow fall of the year and to tell you the truth I am not ready for it.

I have been trying to get things together for my trip to Vegas next week and I really don't think that I am ready for it. Tara and I will have fun even though we aill be sitting in class for three days but in the evening we can go out and play for awhile.

There has been so much that has been going on that I don't know if I am coming or going half of the time. Work has been crazy at both hospitals. There are times that I have wonder what actually keeps me going and what actually keeps me getting up and going to work. Don't get wrong I love doing what I am doing especially working as an EMT. In September I had two calls that tested me to see if I ma going to be able to handle this job and to my surprise I handle each one well. But after each call I did go and talk to fellow emt's about what went on during the call. I am still hanging in there. Next step is it try to move up to advance.

Friday, September 12, 2008

What a night!!!!!!!!

Yesterday I worked a football game and after that is when everything hit the fan. After all the events that happened yesterday I realized that is the reason why I went through the EMT course and got certified. I love helping people when in need. I did not even get home until after midnight, but my husband understood with everything that had happened.

I can not believe that winter is just around the corner and last night when the sun wnet down at the football game you could feel how cool it got and how quick the grass got wet. That is what I call great football weather. HA HA HA....... I know that I am not ready for winter to come but I do know that the Las Vegas trip that has been planned for a few months is not far away and I can not wait but the only thing is that for gthree days Tara and I will be sitting in class learning new things for EMS and how to improve our skills.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Our niece's birthday pictures

Cimonie's new thing now is playing the piano at grandma and grandpa rogers's house. She was entertaining everyone before dinner.

She was trying to ride her little pony that Jason and I got her for her birthday. She try each time and then she would rollover acting like she was buked off.

Here she is opening more presents but she is watching her cousin playing with her little pony.

Everyone gathered around in the kitchen to sing happy birthday to her.

She finally blew out her candles. She could not wait to blow them out. I can not believe that she is two years old already. I can remember flying to colorado when she was only 3 weeks old and helping out. She has b ecame such a chatter box that she cancarry on a conversation and half the time you would not know what she said. We love her a lot.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Where have the days gone

Well I can not believe how fast this year has gone. there are only two days left in the month of August and then we will be starting the month of September then there are only three months left for the 2008. I have been at MMH for 5 years working in the emergency room and then on September 26th I will have been working as an EMT on an ambulance service for a year. I still can not believe that it has been that long at both jobs but it does not feel like that at all.
When this year ends I will look back at all of the goos times and memories that had happened. Tara and I went on a trip to colorado for five days and then we will be going to Las Vegas for an EMS conference. The other best thing is that I got to see a friend find someone that treats her tha way that she should be treated and she is really happy and I am glad to see her smile. I even got to celebrate my neices 2nd birthday with her and the family.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Finally done!!!!!!

Well I am gald to know that the cassia county fair is over and I now can have time to rest and get things done around my house during this coming week and hopefully get to spend time with my relatives before they head home. I do have to thank people that have put with me being tired and stressed out during last week. They had put up with a lot and i do not know how they did it. Well know I am going over to my friend's parents house for my nieces second birthday party that they are having for her a day early but that is okay. Hopefully I will have some pictures to show. Until next time.

Monday, August 11, 2008


Saturday, August 9, 2008

Finally Done

Well I can finally say that I am done reading the Twilight saga that had four books total by the author Stephanie Meyers. Last night I had finished the fourth book and it was good. Even the first three books were great also. It is really nice to find a book that I am interested in reading cause I usually do not read very many books. These books are really good and I would recommend anyone to read them.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


The picture to the left is of Cimonie and Her dads (Mark) shoulders watching the jost and she also is wearing dads visior. She loves having her picture taken and loves to smile.
The pictures below I thought were the two cutest pictures. Cimonie was having a blast running back and forth from the fence to were we all were sitting and then she would do an army crawl back up to us. the other picture is really cute of mother and daughter walking hand in hand. Cimonie wanted to go ride a pony but she got to ride a lama instead.

This picture Cimonie was wore out the end of the day. She had a full and enjoying day with all of us.

Renaissance Festival

On July 23rd, Tara and I took a trip to Brighton, Colorado where we visited Candace and her family and to celebrate her birthday on Saturday. On july 26th we went to a renaiassance Featival in Larkspur, Colorado. It was a blast and here are some pictures that were taken during the day.
Tara, me, Candace, and Cimonie riding an Africa Elephant. It was fun the only hard part was getting on and of the back of the elephant.

Cimoni, candace, Tara and I taking a breack from walking but we still had a lot of walking to do.

This picture is of a gentleman that plays these bellls called cast in bronze, which he is really good. He has his own CD's and I bought one and I do have to admit that he does a really good job at what he does. The other thing is that no one has ever seen his face before and after he performes. tara and I had a blast during our whole trip and yes we even had a few highlights of the trip that make me laugh when I think about them. One highlight was that we were trying to pay attention to signs to make sure that we did not miss a exit that we were looking for but during that we went right past a toll that we had to go through to pay, so if anyone goes through remember to watch and always go through the tolls and pay. the other one was we were coming back from having lunch with Candace that we missed an exit and ened up at the Denver airport. We got to visit the childrens hospital were Candace works in the Dentisit building and I do have to admit that the hospital is huge. It was a fun trip and I was glad that Tara went and enjoyed herself also.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Wedding pictures

Here is a pic of the bride Jeanne and the groom Brett. The wedding was beatiful and very short and simple.

Here it is the only picture that anyone wii ever get to see of Jason wearing a tuxs for a friends wedding. He looks really good in a dark blue vest and look at the the bow tie that he is wearing so cute. He was the best man for Brett Vincent on July 12, 2008

Here is us after the wedding ceremony and now enjoying the reception. It had been a long day for us and everyone at the wedding. If I knew that Jason was going to look this good in a tux I would of had him wear one for our wedding, but there is always next time. ha ha ha ha

Jason, Cameron, and Brett you could actually call them the three goof balls, amigos or studgis also. Don't you feel bad for Cameron he is shorter then the other two.

Jason and Brett before the wedding. The wedding was held in Gooding, Idaho at the Basque Center. It was a nice day but it was also hot. After the wedding and everything was done we help the newlyweds take their gifts home and you can say that we all were very tired and was happy that the days was over.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

July already

Well it is now July and we are half way through the year 2008. This month is going to be a busy one for me but the thrid week of July Tara and I will be heading to Colorado for a little vacation. We will go see my friend, her husband and my little niece. I am getting really excited about going and getting way from both of my jobs for a while.

The weather has been nice and hot!!!!! but at night is does cool down a bit and it is real nice being outside without having to wear a jacket or a sweat shirt.

Friday, June 20, 2008


I can not wait until this month is over. I was having a very good month until the last part turn to hell and now I am counting down the days til I go on vacation in July to Colorado with Tara to visit Candace and her family. I have been doing a lot of stressing out lately and have been in some kind of depressed mood to where I really don't want to eat for the day or I just want to sleep at times. I miss being around my best friend Candace, yes my two pain in the butt brothers and my grandparents. I even miss camping. I really don't know every many people to do anything with here in the Twin Falls area, so I just usually stay home or I try to work on the ambulance as much as I can to keep myself busy and out of the house. I should just quite being a big baby and get over everything and move on.

Saturday, May 31, 2008


Well the funeral was on wednesday the 28th of May. I am so worn out from everything that the past few days I have been really tired and had slept long then what I have before. On friday I ended getting called in to work cause a coworker ended up getting admitted into the hospital. I went in but of course I had no calls. Nothing has changed with that, so I should enjoy while it last cause I will never know when that will not happen like that.

Jason has finally started cutting hay since they were not able to do anything due to the weather and the rain. They are noe able to do any cutting when the crop and the field is wet and muddy, so Jason has been doing house work and spending a lot of time sleeping also. On Sunday I will be starting my three days a week, so I will get to see how this is going to go for me since I will be working two 12 hour shifts and one 14 hour shift.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Rough week

Starting last wednesday the 21st of May about four in the morning my grandpa passed away and I was not able to spend my wedding anniversary with my husband cause I had to work but that all changed when I went and sat next my grandpa until he passed. I was not thinking about my anniversary cause there will always be others. Since then it has one crazy day after another. The viewing is on tuesday and then the funeral is on wednesday.

I have seen people loose family memebers while working in the ER but it is a while different story when it comes to your own family member. I still at times have a hard time dealing with watching my grandpa taking his last breath and his heart beating for the last time. But I do know that he is not in pain anymore and I will get to see him later and that he his watching me for a better place.

Well in better news jason and I hopefully will get to put some good news on here but you all will have to wait and see what that news will be.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

time flys

I can not believe how fast the month of May has gone. Anymore it fills like all of the years, months, weeks, and days are just pushed together all into one month. Summer is almost here which menas that it will be time to do some camping along with outdoor activities also along with the county fairs are just around the corner. I will be going to three days a week at my job instead of working four days a week. I am hoping that it will give me more time with my family and friends and a bit mre of a break between both of my jobs too. I am looking forward to seeing my family that is coming over from london, england. It has been since 2002 since I have last seen them.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

house warming party

Well we just finished up with our bar b que that we had today. It was fun and good to see everyone that was able to come. Jason and I wished that everyone was able to come but we understand the whole having to work and not able to make it. We had everyone in our prays and was thinking about them. My dad did an excellent job on the cooking, everyone enjoyed it and it all went which was great cause there was hardly any food left and then the peach cobler and the ice cream cake went too. The weather was even nice also we could not ask for it any better.

Jason and I figured that this will not be the last bar b que that we will have this year. Hopefully or no I should say guarntted we will have some more. Jason and I are tried and we still need to finish cleaning up was left after everyone left, which is not much but thats okay. Until next time.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

party time

Jason and I are getting excited to be having our first party at our house on may 17th with friends and family. We will hopfully get to see some family that we have not seen for over a year or even longer. Then Jason and I will be celebrating our thrid wedding anniversary. I can not believe that we are in the 5th month of the year 2008. Where are the days and months going. The next thing we will know it will be time for kids to going back school and for to be getting cold again. Hopefully I will have pictures to post from the party. Until then...........

Monday, May 5, 2008

Warm weather is finally here

well the first day in may I get off of work and it is snowing, but the on friday it was really nice and warm. I finally work two days of high school rodeo on friday and saturday. I got to admit that the weather was great. On friday Jason and I went to his great uncle's funeral who passed away from lung cancer. It was emotional and Uncle Gene will be gratefully missed. Jason and I will be celabrating our three year anniversay on the 21st of this month. I just can not believe that it has been three years already. We are finally going to have a barbque on the 17th of this month at our house to have friends and family over to show them the house and to have a great time. It has finally started to warm up.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

wishing for warm weather

I can not wait for the summer to start. HopefullyI will be able to spend time with family and friends and beable to cut back a little bit on both jobs. I just have not figured that out just yet, but I am planning a trip to colorado in July, just don't know when I will be going but I do have a friend that is going with me. I did find out that I do have some family coming over from england for about a month, so I can not wait to see them since it has been awhile since the last time. There is one thing that I can not figure out and that is the weather here. It was really nice on sunday. so jason and I went down to shoshone falls and the twin falls and it was nice on monday but there was a wind along with it. My second job iss going good just when I work I have find out that nothing really goes on but I should not get to used to it cause it all can change. Well hopefully when I write next the weather will be much nicer.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

what about this weather???????

I can not believe this weather. I was looked outside at work around 3 this morning and it was not doing anything but hen I get off work and walk outside and it is snowing. It seems like we just skipped right through spring, summer, and fall and went right back into winter. I am ready for it to warm back up so I can start going camping and doing more outdoor things with family and friends.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Finally Internet!!!!!!!!!

Well we finally got the internet hooked up at our house after going through 3 different companies. I guess thrid time was a charm. We had to go through cable one to get teh internet cause the other two was not able to get a stronge enough signal to pick anything up. I am so happy that we finaaly got it cause now I can do things here at home instead of going over to my parents house or over to my in laws house. I do thank them for letting us us the internet. It is so much nicer to have here. Well I don't think that the wether that we been having is spring weather and I can tell you that I am ready for it to start warming up here cause I am getting tired of it being cold. Hopefully here soon it will start warming up and we can start enjoying doing outdoor activities.

Monday, March 24, 2008

almost four months into 2008

I have always wondered where the days and months go. I was talking to a friend and she mentioned that in April she will have her emt certification for a year and then it dawned on me that in May I will also have my for a year. Wroking as an emt brings new light to how the human body works and how it handles everything that it goes through. Ever since I have been working I have seen so many different things, like saving a life (I had only been working for about three weeks when that happened and yes I was scared and nerevous), not able to save a life, lifeflighting someone out, and anything else that can happened. Jason and I have some many things going on that hopefully everything goes okay. I did find out that one of our frineds who will be getting married this summer asked us (when they start having kids) if we would be that god parents and of course yes said yes. I was shocked that they asked but I am glad to have been asked.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Puerta Vallarta 2008

Jason and I on the Santa Maria tour. We went to the arches for snorkeling and along the way we seen three humpback whales and seen dolphins swiming along with the boat. It was a hot day.

This was one of the many sand sculptures that was made on the beach in downtown puerta vallarta.

This was one of the sunsets that we got to see. This one looks like it could be a post card along with a sailboat.

This was our last walk on the beach together before heading home to Idaho were the weather is cold, but we were all ready to head home.

Jason and I in the airport at Puerta Vallarta waiting for our plane. We had a blast on our vacation. We did a lot of things along with the tropical city tour, atv tour, rmythm of the nights, and the santa maria tour. We got to enjoy a beach party along with seeing everyone having fun and enjoying themselves. We are glad to be back and it is time to start saving money for another trip next year.

more pictures

Jason and I on a boat heading to the other side to the bay for a dinner and a show that is called
Rythm of the nights. We ate dinner by candle light and then watched the show. The show was good and so was the whole trip. We even got to drink all we wanted to drink of beer, rum punch and anything else we requested.

This is the other tequila factroy that we got to see and yes we even bought a bottle and brought it back with us.

This sign is in front of a restraunt called Senor Frogs. I thought that it was cute and funny so I had to get a picture of it.

This is one of the many signs that hang from the ceiling at senor frogs.

This sea lion was at the port that we were at to go on another trip. He was showing visitors tricks and getting fish for a treat.

pictures from vacation

This was one of the tequila factries that we got to take a tour on and even got to sample about 10 different types and flavors of tequila.

Jason and I on a tropical city tour that we took. We learned a lot from the trip. We even learned about which moives we filmed there like predator, love bug, love boat, fire walker and some other movies.

We seen this aircraft carrier in the Bay on the sixth day that we were there. It was neat to see a ship like that that close to port.

This is on of those puff fish that we seen on the beach. It looks like it is smiling back at us. Isn't he cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is a pirate ship that you could take and have a dinner and a show. We never did it but we did hear that it was a blast.

Jason and his dad on the beach during our first day of vacation. It was hard to get a picture of both looking at the camera. As you can tell they had fun walking on the beach and getting wet from the waves.

Jason and I on our first day in Puerta Vallarta, Mexico. As soon as we got to the resort and our room we all changed into shorts and headed to the bar for out first drink and then headed to the beach for a walk.

Doug, Jason, and I just finished our breakfast at the boise airport before getting onto the plane. This was the start of our vacation.