Monday, October 6, 2008

Where has the time gone!!!!!!!!

Where have the days, weeks, months and the year have gone. I can not believe that it is already the tenth month of the year and we are almost half way through this month already. It has been awhile since I have posted any blogs but I have been busy with both of my jobs and trying to get the house back in order since I am hardly even home. The holidays are not that far away. The only things that I have been waiting for is to see the first snow fall of the year and to tell you the truth I am not ready for it.

I have been trying to get things together for my trip to Vegas next week and I really don't think that I am ready for it. Tara and I will have fun even though we aill be sitting in class for three days but in the evening we can go out and play for awhile.

There has been so much that has been going on that I don't know if I am coming or going half of the time. Work has been crazy at both hospitals. There are times that I have wonder what actually keeps me going and what actually keeps me getting up and going to work. Don't get wrong I love doing what I am doing especially working as an EMT. In September I had two calls that tested me to see if I ma going to be able to handle this job and to my surprise I handle each one well. But after each call I did go and talk to fellow emt's about what went on during the call. I am still hanging in there. Next step is it try to move up to advance.

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