Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Puerta Vallarta 2008

Jason and I on the Santa Maria tour. We went to the arches for snorkeling and along the way we seen three humpback whales and seen dolphins swiming along with the boat. It was a hot day.

This was one of the many sand sculptures that was made on the beach in downtown puerta vallarta.

This was one of the sunsets that we got to see. This one looks like it could be a post card along with a sailboat.

This was our last walk on the beach together before heading home to Idaho were the weather is cold, but we were all ready to head home.

Jason and I in the airport at Puerta Vallarta waiting for our plane. We had a blast on our vacation. We did a lot of things along with the tropical city tour, atv tour, rmythm of the nights, and the santa maria tour. We got to enjoy a beach party along with seeing everyone having fun and enjoying themselves. We are glad to be back and it is time to start saving money for another trip next year.

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