Monday, November 10, 2008


Well I did not think that I would go to the Albion Haunted Mansion but I did. I went with Jason, his mother, a friend and their son. The first two buildings were not that great, but the third building was good cause you did not know what would be coming around the corner. Then on november 1st we went to a halloween party at a family friends house and it was interseting to see what everyone was dressed up as. I just went as myself but I got to take care of a friends new born while she played cards and of course the new born and me fell asleep on the couch together.

As soon as I get the okay from the eye doctor I will hopefully will be getting the eye surgery done in january. I am scared but I am hoping that it will improve my eye sight so that I can be free of glasses and contacts. The pre-op doctor did say that I would probably have to wear some type of correction due to the astigmatisum that I have in both of my eyes but my right is worse.

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