Sunday, September 27, 2009

another entry

Well I have started reading the vampire diaries and as soon as I get those done I will be starting to read the perfect chemistry, which has nothing to do with vampires, thats okay with me cause it gives me a different varitey. I had a good weekend by working the declo football game on friday. Declo beat filer 59-8 which was sad cause the points that filer made where during the last 2 minutes in the fourth quarter. On saturday I went to Tara's wedding. I am happy for both of them and wish them good luck.

Tara's Wedding

Tara, T.J., and I
Cutting the cake
Their cake

Tom and Tara

Tara and her dad

Here are a few picture from Tara's wedding on saturday. It was a beautiful wedding and she looked gorgous. The reception was fun. It was good to see people that I knew there and hang out with them.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Done reading the Night World Serise

Well everyone I just finished reading the Night World serise all three volumes. They are really good. Volume one includes secret vampire, daughters of darkness, and spellbinder; Volume two includes dark angel, the chosen, and soulmate; Volume three includes huntree, black dawn, and witchlight. The next book that comes out in April 2010 is called Strange Fate. This will conclude all the book. I can not wait to read want happens. Now I am going to go to Barnes and Noble when I get off work and pick up the Vampire Diaries by L.J. Smith, the same author that wrote the Night World serise. I may just pick up the other vampire books by P.C. Cast, not to sure what I will do next. These are really good books. If you liked reading the Twilight serise then you may like these books. I will let you know on how the other books are as soon as I get them and start reading them.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Can't put the book down

Well when I was in colorado my friend Candace and a good collection of books from the harry potter series to the twilight serise. She had these other books that were about vampires, werewolves, witches, etc.....We went to barnes and noble and i bought the Night World books and there are 3 volumes. In each volume there are three books...I have finished the first volume and started on the second volume. Let me say that I can not put the books down at all. This does give me something to do besides always being on facebook.

I have finally started cleaning our spare room and then I will tackle the bathroom in that room and get it cleaned. After I get all of that done I will start to clean the kitchen. I have been so busy working that I have not kept up on the kitchen and the spare room. I feel really bad for letting it go like that. Jason has been doing his best on helping. He has been doing the laundry and washing dishes and taking out the garbage from the kitchen and bathroom.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hanging out

eatting at Jimmy John's at the 16th street mall
Cimonie's new hair do

Cimonie making us snacks

Cimonie dancing for us to a song off of so you think you can dance

Cimonie happy to see me when I arrived
Here are pictures from hanging out at the house. I love going and spending my vacation with them. The only thing that sucks is when its time to leave. There have been times that I just don't want to come back home. I am hoping to plan a longer trip there so we can do more then what we were able to do. Sorry for the picture over load.

more pics

Cimonie giving the shark a hug

getting ready to watch sponge bob in 4-d

feeding the sting ray

one of the sharks swimming by the glass

a lion fish

mother and daughter watching the tiger eat.

Cimonie got excited when she seen nemo and dad swimming. In the vehicle on the DVD player she was watching finding nemo on the way to the aquarium. We had a lot of fun that day. If anyone goes to Colorado I would go to it. The kids or just the parents would enjoy it.

more pics from downtown aquarium

Cimonie did not like this bird at all
We don't look like we are to sure on getting close to the monkey

This is my favorite picture of mother and daughter

A seahorse just hanging out on the rocks

DownTown Aquraium, Denver, Co

Be prepared for picture overload. Here are some pictures from my trip to Colorado and along with the downtown aquarim and the 16th street mall.

Cimonie and I getting wet from the flash flood that was demostrated.

Candace and Cimonie passing for a minute to have a picture taken

Cimonie making the cuties face

This was the first stop of the aqurium that we did here. Cimonie is always looking off somewhere else.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Concluding my trip

Well I headed back home on the 6th at 7:30 in the morning and arrived at my parents house at 5 pm and that was including stops. I had a blast on my vacation but I wished that it could have last longer then what it did. Jason came down to see me when I got here. It was really good to see him since I have not seen him for a week and my work schedule the rest of week does not let me see much of him still. He will be going to montana for transystems to pick up truck to bring down for the beet season that is getting close to starting and then he will be home late saturday. I am used to not spending time with him during the summer with him farming and with me working extra shifts at my other job.

Well its back to work for me so I can pay og the bills that I made for myself on my trip. Pictures soon to come.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Day 4 of my trip

Today was a blast. We went into Denver to the downtown aquarim. They had a lot of different types of fish, snakes, frogs and sea water animals. We then got go feed the sting ray and Cimonie went and had her face painted. We did a 4-D ride of sponge bob. That was so much fun that we ended up doing it twice. We went to the 16th Street mall where it's all outside and had lunch and went shopping.

We had a very long day and you could tell that Candace and I were wore out, but not Cimonie. She got her second wind and she ready to go again. I spent my last night hanging out with Mark, Candace, Cimonie, Mark's parents and Javier before heading back to my hotel for my last night here. I will be heading home in the morning around 7 - 8 am. There will be pictures to follow of our trip to downtown Denver.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Day 3 of my trip

Today was another good day.......I slept til 12:30 pm and did not get up in time to go have lunch with Candace. I felt so bad....I met up with her when she got off work and went and picked up Cimonie from her grandmother at the ball park. Candace's in-laws run the concession stands during the games for the school season and during the summer. I enjoy seeing them and spend time with them. They are like another set of parents to me. I got 12 new pictures of my niece and including a new family picture.

I even got a couple of pics of her doing a modeling session...It was for photography class to teach them how to use light and props. They turned out real cute and then I got some of her dancing for us and playing. She had me playing tea party with her and then we would go and hide from each other and then would chase each other. Tomorrow is going to be a long day, so I am going to head to bed and get up early to get ready. Talk to you all later.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Brighton, Colorado day 2

Day 2:
Well its day2 of my vacation. I arrived in Brighton, CO around 12:30 pm and got checked into my hotel. I went to the store and got a few things to eat since I have a fridge and a microwave in my room. I went over to Candace's house around 6 pm and then went to dinner. We went and had mexican food then went and seen Mark's parents at the high school. Cimonie has grown up so much, I can not believe it. The pictures above are of my room. The thing that I liked the most is the shower wall. I would love to have that around my shower at home. We have so much to do tomorrow when they get off work and the saturday is going to be a very busy day for Candace, Cimonie and me. We are going into Denver to the mall, to the aquarim and then we are going to go take pictures for fun. Talk to you all soon.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Colorado Trip

I started my trip to colorado at around 8:30 am. I made it to tremonton to fill up with gas and to stretch. When I took the excit towards Cheyenne we ended up being at a dead stop and to sure why we were. I thought that it may have been a accident cause there was a cop that went by with his lights on. We sat there for about 20 to 30 minutes before we finally got movin. I stopped at Rock Springs to top off my tank and then head to my final destanation. I arrived in Laramie around 5:30 pm got a hotel room for the night. Above is a picture of the room that I am staying in. Do you really think I need 2 beds??????? They must think that I do.
I am going to go take a shower and then I am going to relax and hopefully will fall asleep quick. Until the next day of my trip.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Recap on this year so far..........

Lets see here........The year started out to be a good year. Everything was going good. I had Visian lens implants done on my eyes and was seeing at least 20/20 a week after my surgery. I was picking up more shifts at my second job. My friend Tara had her little boy in June, he is such a cutie and looks a lot like his dad.

Once August hit it seems like everything just went down hill from there. I find out that I had a uncle who had a massive heart attack and was first life flighted to twin falls and then was life flighted to st. luke's in boise. Where they put in a balloon into his artries and now has to go back this month for open heart surgery. Then I find out that I had a aunt who fell and broke her hip. She is now healing and is back in her home. I am hoping that this month will go better then last month. I will be heading to Colorado for a few days to spend time with my friend and to get away from all of the drama and stress that I am dealing with at work and in my personal life. I am hoping to start losing more weight and will be able to go on a vacation in 2011 with my husband.