Friday, December 31, 2010

Last day of 2010

Well today is the last day of 2010 and tomorrow we will start the first day of 2011. This year has had a lot of ups and downs, good news and bad news, but the one thing that I will never forget is when I found out in the month of June that I was pregnant. My brother Jeff getting married to Talia in October and Jason taking the supervisor's position for Transystems. The one thing that I am very pround of is the weight that my dad has lost when he started the diet in July. He has so far lost little over 80 pounds. Jason has been maintaining his weight also. He is so pround of his self for losing the weight and that he is going to be a father in 2011.

Everyone Have a Happy New Year

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Very Happy

Today we had our last appointment for the week and everything looks good. Nothing has changed with the lab work, blood pressure still is jumping around, Riley is moving around a lot and last night he would not let me sleep until I got into the right position then I was able to relax and sleep.

I can not believe the weather that we have been getting the past few days..... Roads are slick and the wind is blowing which it does not help out when the snow is falling. I can not believe that there is one more day left in the year 2010....

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Jason got to put the changing table together

Here is the finished project.....

Here is Jason putting it together......
Jason was wanting to put Riley's crib together but when we go pick it up it will already be out together. So I ordered the changing table and we got it delievered on today. Jason started as soon as he could, he was so happy about it.......

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Riley's gifts

From me

From me

From Alysn Tegan

christmas gift From Uncle Dioni and Aunt Hazel

christmas gift from Grandpa Weeks and Laura

christmas gift from grandma Weeks

christmas gift from Grandma Weeks

christmas gift from aunt louise

christmas gift from uncle Jeff and aunt Talia (godparents)

christmas gift from grandpa and grandma jolley
There are the gifts that Riley got during christmas. He is not even here yet and he has been getting spoiled..

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Baby's Room

The baby's room finally got painted even though I did not get to help. My parents came one day and cleaned out the room and put blue tape around the room. Dad put the yellow paint on the wall and Jason, Kelly and Aunt Marcie finished putting the green on yesterday and Jason put the second coat on today. Now all we need to do is get the border ordered and start moving things into the room. The room is going to be decorated with John Deere tractors. Jason picked the decore and the paint we picked together not knowing want we were going to have. They did a really good job and I will thank them a lot for getting it done while I have been on bed rest. Thanks everyone that help.... Love you a lot.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas with my husband & mother in law

Jason, kelly and aunt marice came down to celebrate christmas with me since jason and i do not want to take the chance of something happening with me and the baby. We had pizza with my family and then we all opened gifts. Jason gave me a new camera with a carrying case. Baby Riley got gifts to. He got 2 bibs and 2 burp cloths (one has john deere tractors and the other has cow print), socks that look like sneakers, camo pants and a shirt that says my dad rocks, and 2 toys. We got a couple of gift cards also. Jason got shirts, the expendables, coffee mug, and a few little things in his stocking. I got a knitted scarf, gloves, cozy socks, the rest of the harry potter books in hard back, a few little things in my stocking also. It was fun and I enjoyed the fact that they came down to celebrate with me.

The other thing is that I will not be going to Jason's dad's house to celebrate either. I feel really bad but I am just looking at for Riley and myself.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Jason and I went to the dr today for my non stress test and then we visited with the dr. During the non stress test, Riley behaved again and the nurse loves it. She always comes in and says how well he behaves everytime. My blood pressure did not look good before we left for the dr and when we arrived. They retook my blood pressure before seeing the dr and it did drop. Part of the problem is that the bottom number was slowly rising.

Deep down I had a feeling that this appointment was not going to be a good one. When the doctor came in we talked about my blood pressure and I showed him what my blood pressure was doing while I was at my parents house. He mentioned that he thinks that we will have to deliver Riley early then what we were hoping for. He then asked us if we had the choice would we want to go to Ogden, Ut or up to st. lukes hospital downtown instead. We picked Boise cause we have family up there and would be closer for other family members also. He went can call a dr up there to talk about my blood pressure and what to do. He came back and told me that they are going to repeat my blood work and the 24 hour urine collection again, put me on a blood pressure med to help lower it. He did stated that if we go to Boise that they will admit me there for the rest of my pregnancy and will not let me go past 37 weeks.

I will say that I am scared but the decsions that are being made are for the health and safety of Riley and me. We keep hoping that for the best.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas with a uncle & cousins

Today my uncle, his wife and son came up from utah to spend christmas with grand since they will not be here for christmas eve. Dad did dinner with ham, cheesy potatoes, veggies and corn then cheese cake and pumpkin rolls for desert. One of my uncles daughter, her husband and 2 kids came down also. It was fun watching the kids open up their gifts and then playing with the toys.

I have been so wore out since saturday with everything that has been going on that I think that I will be heading to bed early or take a nap, one of the two.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Celebrating Christmas early with the parents

Today dod cooked scones and bacon for breakfast and then we opened gifts. Jeff and Talia came down to celebrate with us. We do christmas early with our parent cause the rest of us have other christmas's to go to between and christmas. It was a good christmas..... We got some really cute things even for Riley. He got camo boots, camo pants and 4 different oneises from Jeff and Talia. From my parents he got a john deere tractor toy with a little farmer. Jason and I got money and two wii games. For dinner dad cooked prime rib, mash potatoes, corn, salad and home made rolls. Dinner was really good. Jeff and Talia headed back home due to the weather and then later on that night they had family friends over to play cards and did not get done till 1 in the morning. It was a very fun day

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Getting things done

I am finally getting some of my projects done while I have been on bed rest. I have finished my gift to my brother and his wife, got pictures printed and got my christmas shopping done. I have other projects to do but those are going to have to be done by Jason and the rest of our family. We need to finish painting the baby's room and get the dresser repainted also. I have been trying to keep up on blogging but I have been slacking a bit on that also.

Today I go in for my non stress test and then I think that I will come back to my parents house and take a nap.

Monday, December 13, 2010


We went to the doctor today to have our non stress test and then to visit with the dr. Everything went really good. The nurse likes how well behaved he his when it comes to montioring his heart beat. I have notices that he likes to kick and move around when they have me hooked up to the montior. The first time that we had to do this Jason kept asking me why I was laughing. I told him to just watch my stomach and he would see why. The next thing that I know Jason starts to laugh. I asked him what was so funny..... He tolded me that he seen Riley move across my stomach. Jason loves watching and feeling Riley move. I smile everytime when he puts his hand on my stomach and then wraps his arms around my waist and puts his ear to my stomach.

We met with the dr and he told us that everything looks good with the ultrasound and that the only thing that came back not looking good was my urine along with my blood pressure. He still wants me to monitior my blood pressure at home, monitor fetal movement, and watch for any symptoms that can cause me to have to go in. I have to watch for a headache that won't go away, pain on my right side (pain that feels like my gallbaldder, liver pain) or in better terms pain under my right breast. I can not let my blood pressure go over 160/105 constantly.

I am resting and staying at my parents house during all of this and I will admit that I am having a hard time trying to get into the swing of being on bed rest and not doing much. We go twice a week for the non stress test and we visit with the dr once a week.

Friday, December 10, 2010

28 week ultrasound

Riley's little foot

a side view of Riley

Riley flexing his little are for us

Here is a 3D picture of Riley.......
After having a good christmas party with my department over at MMH..... We went over to the hospital to have our ultrasound. It was a fun to see Riley and how big he has got since the last ultrasound. He had his back pushing outward and he was folded in half cause his legs were up by his face along with his arms... It was cute.. I think that he has a personality coming through already. He is doing good and his growing right on schedule. He weights 3 pounds right now. He is going to be a long baby when he delivers.... enjoy the pictures

Thursday, December 9, 2010

got bad news

Jason and I drove down to Burley to turn in my collect of urine to the lab.... Later on in the day I got a call to schedule our ultrasound and then around 3:30 pm I got a call from the dr telling me that my blood work came back fine but was my urine that came back abnormal, so I will have my ultrasound tomorrow at 1 pm and then I will go and visit with him. He is going to have me visit his office twice a week to keep and eye on me and the baby. One day I will visit with him and the second day I will go in and they will monitored the baby's heart rate for 20 mins. He also started my on a steriod today to help the baby's lungs to mature if we have to deliever him early. I will have one more steriod shot tomorrow. I now have to monitor my blood pressure, count baby movements, and I am going to be put on modified bed rest also. This is really hard to take in..... I never planned for this (but every prenancy is different) all I was planning for is if he comes late. We will find out more tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Not a good apoointment

Went to the dr today and my blood pressure is still high even after the second repeat... The dr had them draw blood and then I have to do a 24 hour urine collect and turn it in the next day. We talked about what will happen if the test come back abnormal. Modified bed rest, may have to deliever early, but we are trying to figure out why I am having this problem early in the pregnancy when it is more common towards the end. We will be having an ultrasound to see how he is growing and developing too. I hope tthings turn out for the best and we can check this off and put it behinds us. I am keeping my fingures crossed and praying.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

In shock

I can not believe that I have less then 3 months left before Riley comes into ours lifes..... I'm shocked, happy, and nerves all at the same time. Last saturday the 4th, my parents came over and helped tape off the nursery and started painting. We have one more color to put on and then we need to add the border and the curtains. I am hoping that I will have pictures to post on here of everyone having fun getting things ready for the nephew, grandson, and son.. We are having fun and so are the grandparents....... I can not wait to meet the little guy in person.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Our Christmas tree

I put up our christmas tree tonight and yes, its a small one....... Jason and I have been so thankful this year even for our little Riley that is not due till the 26th of February 2011. We have not decorated this much for christmas but thats okay.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

last day of november

I can not believe that today is the last day for this month and starting tomorrow in the 1st day of december. Boy time does fly by when you are having fun.... :) I still need to do more updating here of things that went on before this post, so hopefully they will be on here soon.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Cimonie & Tenley Martinez

Tenley Martinez

Cimonie Martinez
Jason and I met up with Candace, Mark, Cimonie, Tenley and the rest of the family before thanksgiving. They had a pizza party so they got to go swimming. Got to watch Cimonie swim and she was doing really good. Then I held Tenley for awhile and then she went to sleep in my arms, but the cutest thing that I seen was Jason interacting with her. It was really cute to see that. It was really good to see them for the holidays.....

Update on Riley

I had my dr.'s appointment today and I had to do the glucsous test were I drink this stuff that tastes like flat orange pop in 5 mintues and then in an hour they will check my blood sugar and I am happy to say that I passed it. They also checked my iron, which was a little low, so now they what me to take an iron supplement to. The one thing that was me worried and puts me on my dr.'s radar is my blood pressure, so now i am having to watch that so I dont end up having troubles that I really dont want.

The good news is that Riley and I are doing good. We are growing and measuring right on schedule. We will not have to have anymore ultrasounds unless something happens.

I have 3 more months left.

Snow Snow Snow Snow

I can not believe the weather that we have been getting here..... The first day of snow was saturday and after that it kept snowing... It has dumped a lot of snow between saturday and tuesday.. Schools and business closed on tuesday and some people got snowed in, so they have not been able to get out. The schools have closed for the rest of the week.. Love the snow but not the problems that it causes on the roads..

went to the dr and had my blood sugar test along with my iron. everything looks good and i did not have to take the 3 hr blood sugar test so that made me very happy. my iron was a little low, so i am having to take an iron supplement on top of my prenatals. Also my blood pressure was a little high at first and then when they checked it again it went down, so i am on the dr's radar to keep an eye on that... Baby and I are doing really good.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Pictures of the !st snow fall

drive way
front yard


Here are the pictures from the 1st snow fall to the year........

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Jason felt the baby move

when I got home form work this morning, I curled up on the couch under the blanket but the baby decided that he was not comfortable so he starts moving. I straighted out on the couch and he just kept moving but this time he moved up. Jason came in asking me what I was smiling about and I told him. I took his hand and put it on my belly and the baby moved for him. All Jason could do was smile... That made his day...

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Gelena Summit

These pictures were taken at the look out on top of gelena summit on Oct 30, 2010... Jason and I were heading home from lowman.... It was snowing at the time jason took these pictures...

more wedding pics

getting the pickup

cutting the cake

Groom and groomsmen

Kober, Jolley and Weeks family

Jeff & Talia's wedding

Families of the bride and Groom along with the wedding party

Parents of the Bride

Parents of the Groom

Bride and Groom

Jeff and Talia were married on October 30th, 2010 in Lowman, Idaho..... The weather turned out to be perfect for the wedding and the wedding it self was beautiful also.... We all had a blast at the wedding also..... Congrats to Jeff and Talia

Friday, October 29, 2010

Lowman, Idaho Bed & Breakfast

This is were we stayed at in Lowman for Jeff and Talia's wedding..... Talia's mother owns this and the building below it were the wedding will be held at.... The weather was beautiful and I wished that I did not have to come home on saturday night at all. Jason and I could live up here....

Thursday, October 28, 2010

dr's appointment

Had our doctors appointment today...... Everything looks good from the heart beat, measuring right along and with the results from the 19 week ultrasound...... I did get in trouble with the dr about my weight. I ended up gaining 9 lbs in a month and he was concerned about that and wants me to start walking a little bit a day and watch on what I eat and how much...... They did have to retake my blood pressure though cause the first reading was a bit high but the second time was lower and were it should be.

My next appointment I have to do the glucosu tolerence test and I am not looking forward to that at all..........

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Busy week

This is going to be a very busy week....... I just got done working my 3 days of work and know I am taking my car in to get the alinement checked and then have to go to costco. I have my dr's appointment on thursday, pick up the dogs and take them to the vet to be boarded and then Jason and I are off to Lowman for a wedding....... Hopefully I will be able to rest and relax before coming back home to start my 3 days of work again.....

Monday, October 25, 2010

October flying by

I can not believe how fast this month has been going..... I have been to boise twice this month, had one weekend at home, and this coming weekend is my brothers wedding and we will be up in Lowman, Idaho for the wedding. I will hopefully have pictures to post for you to see. Before heading to Lowman I do have my doctors appointment ans hopefully everything will be looking good and Riley is growing like he should be. I will keep you posted.

Also what to say happy birthday to my brother jeff!!!!!!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Riley's 1st BSU outfits

Jason finally let me buy a couple of boise state onies. They are so cute.... Now I need to go find a couple of Idaho Vandals oneies

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Jason installing the strollrt

here is what it looks like

Jason trying to figure out how the stroller is suppose to unfold to out the wheels on.
Jason and I had fun trying to figure out how to put the stroller together. We finally figured out how to unfold it and get the wheels put on..... We had fun putting it together.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Newest member of the Martinez Family

Tenley and Candace
I like to welcome the newest member to the martinez family Tenley Nicole Martinez born on Oct 10, 2010.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Riley's first build a bear

Grandma Darlene Jolley, Uncle Jonathan and Aunt Talia went to build a bear and made a bear for Riley.... They even put kid giggling inside the bear. It was really cute. Dad, grandma Kober and I met up with them at Talia and Jeff's house in horseshoe bend on Saturday for the day and they gave this to me...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Riley's first hat

Grandpa Doug Weeks bought Riley his first hat

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Meet Riley Jason Weeks

It's A boy

Here is one foot

here is a arm

Here is his face
Grandma Kober, Grandma Darlene Jolley, Grandma Kelly Weeks, Jason and I went for our ultrasound and everyone could not wait to find out what we are having. I will admit that I was excited to find out also. The baby was not shy on letting us know. We are having a boy and he is doing really good too.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Wishing Happy Brithday's

I want to wish my uncle dioni and Jason a happy brithday for the first part of the month.....

luv ya both

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Farmer Bear

Grandma Kelly Weeks bought this little teddy bear to go in the baby's room..........

No News yet, if its a boy or a girl

Today was my dr's appointment and Jason got sick so he was not able to come but he was upset cause from what we remember we were going to find out what we are having. Jason's mom Kelly went with me. She did get to here the Heart beat, but found out that the dr whats to wait a week or 2 before having another ultrasound done. He told me that when we have it done that they will be looking at the heart, kidney's, spine and the brain... I hope everything is ok....... We will soon let everyone know what we are having...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

An Engagement

Jeff and Talia (feb 2010)
Today I found out that Jeff asked Talia to marry him. I will admit that I was shocked but I am really happy for the both of them. Now I will not be the only girl in the family, can not forget mom. They are planning the wedding for next month on the 30th...... Jason and I are happy to be adding a sister in law to the family..... Congrats you two

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Baby news update

Jason and I went to our doctors appointment today and we got to hear the heartbeat. Jason had a big smile on his face and said "thats cool". We talked with the doctor about the US results and that on the next appointment they will look at the one thing that put me on bed rest for awhile and that we will hopefully find out what we are having. Let me just say that Jason can not wait to find out. I did get the approval to go camping, so this weekend Jason and I are going camping with my family.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

welcoming the newsest member to the Jolley family

great grandma jo and baby liam

aunt louise and baby liam jolley

uncle craig and baby liam

grandpa dioni and baby liam

grandma Hazel and baby liam

Wayne, Lena, and Liam Jolley
This is my newest cousin...... My relatives live over in London, England..... It has been awhile since these picture were taken but I thought that I would welcome Liam Jolley into the family. Maybe, some day down the road we will be able to meet him...... We all love you guys over here across that big pond...... Luv Weeks and Jolley family