Monday, December 13, 2010


We went to the doctor today to have our non stress test and then to visit with the dr. Everything went really good. The nurse likes how well behaved he his when it comes to montioring his heart beat. I have notices that he likes to kick and move around when they have me hooked up to the montior. The first time that we had to do this Jason kept asking me why I was laughing. I told him to just watch my stomach and he would see why. The next thing that I know Jason starts to laugh. I asked him what was so funny..... He tolded me that he seen Riley move across my stomach. Jason loves watching and feeling Riley move. I smile everytime when he puts his hand on my stomach and then wraps his arms around my waist and puts his ear to my stomach.

We met with the dr and he told us that everything looks good with the ultrasound and that the only thing that came back not looking good was my urine along with my blood pressure. He still wants me to monitior my blood pressure at home, monitor fetal movement, and watch for any symptoms that can cause me to have to go in. I have to watch for a headache that won't go away, pain on my right side (pain that feels like my gallbaldder, liver pain) or in better terms pain under my right breast. I can not let my blood pressure go over 160/105 constantly.

I am resting and staying at my parents house during all of this and I will admit that I am having a hard time trying to get into the swing of being on bed rest and not doing much. We go twice a week for the non stress test and we visit with the dr once a week.

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