Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Snow Snow Snow Snow

I can not believe the weather that we have been getting here..... The first day of snow was saturday and after that it kept snowing... It has dumped a lot of snow between saturday and tuesday.. Schools and business closed on tuesday and some people got snowed in, so they have not been able to get out. The schools have closed for the rest of the week.. Love the snow but not the problems that it causes on the roads..

went to the dr and had my blood sugar test along with my iron. everything looks good and i did not have to take the 3 hr blood sugar test so that made me very happy. my iron was a little low, so i am having to take an iron supplement on top of my prenatals. Also my blood pressure was a little high at first and then when they checked it again it went down, so i am on the dr's radar to keep an eye on that... Baby and I are doing really good.

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