Thursday, December 9, 2010

got bad news

Jason and I drove down to Burley to turn in my collect of urine to the lab.... Later on in the day I got a call to schedule our ultrasound and then around 3:30 pm I got a call from the dr telling me that my blood work came back fine but was my urine that came back abnormal, so I will have my ultrasound tomorrow at 1 pm and then I will go and visit with him. He is going to have me visit his office twice a week to keep and eye on me and the baby. One day I will visit with him and the second day I will go in and they will monitored the baby's heart rate for 20 mins. He also started my on a steriod today to help the baby's lungs to mature if we have to deliever him early. I will have one more steriod shot tomorrow. I now have to monitor my blood pressure, count baby movements, and I am going to be put on modified bed rest also. This is really hard to take in..... I never planned for this (but every prenancy is different) all I was planning for is if he comes late. We will find out more tomorrow.

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