Monday, December 20, 2010

Jason and I went to the dr today for my non stress test and then we visited with the dr. During the non stress test, Riley behaved again and the nurse loves it. She always comes in and says how well he behaves everytime. My blood pressure did not look good before we left for the dr and when we arrived. They retook my blood pressure before seeing the dr and it did drop. Part of the problem is that the bottom number was slowly rising.

Deep down I had a feeling that this appointment was not going to be a good one. When the doctor came in we talked about my blood pressure and I showed him what my blood pressure was doing while I was at my parents house. He mentioned that he thinks that we will have to deliver Riley early then what we were hoping for. He then asked us if we had the choice would we want to go to Ogden, Ut or up to st. lukes hospital downtown instead. We picked Boise cause we have family up there and would be closer for other family members also. He went can call a dr up there to talk about my blood pressure and what to do. He came back and told me that they are going to repeat my blood work and the 24 hour urine collection again, put me on a blood pressure med to help lower it. He did stated that if we go to Boise that they will admit me there for the rest of my pregnancy and will not let me go past 37 weeks.

I will say that I am scared but the decsions that are being made are for the health and safety of Riley and me. We keep hoping that for the best.

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