Wednesday, October 28, 2009

waiting, waiting, waiting

Well I just got off work this morning and I am still sitting at work........... The reason why I am still at work is because I am waiting for 10:30 am to come around for my MRI appointment. I really hate to admit this but I am really scared of having this done....... For some reason deep down I keep thinking that I am not wanting to get the results do to maybe getting some bad results back. I have been trying to think positive but ever since finding out about my high hormone level and trying to figure out why my OB/GYN never ran lab work on me before putting me on clomid........... I am now happy that I finally bit the bullet and made that appointment with DR. Cannon....... Cause we are now getting things figured out with myself........ Until next time, I am hoping to have some more answers.......

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Still reading

Well I have been reading books from P.C. Cast and her daughter call the House of Night serice. I am on the 5th book right now and the 6th book will not be out till october 27th, which means that when I get home I will be heading into Barnes and Noble to buy the book. I did buy another book that is buy L.J. Smith that about phyicis. I have not read that book yet but I will start reading it when I get finished with the book that I am reading right now.

I have also been trying to figure out and where to have our hoilday pictures done. I have also been trying to figure out if I want them done by a professional our have my mother in law take them. So hopefully here soon I will be posting some new pictures of us and hopefully we will have our 2 dogs in them also.

Monday, October 19, 2009


Well I figured that I better update friends and family on whats been going on since the 14th of this month.......

I finally broke down and made an appointment with Dr. Cannon in Burley for the 14th.. I went for my visit and talked about things that we can do before it comes down to seeing a speacialist. He had blood drawn to check my hormone levels. Well on friday I get a call to set my appointment for the 19th of this month for my US and then I get another call from the nurse at the office telling me that one of my test came back high and that the dr. would like to have the test ran again. So on the 19th I go in to have the US done and then after that have my blood drawn........

Enough of that bad news.........

Jason will be starting up full time with Transystem during their beet season...... I am hoping that we will get to spend more time together, but the only way thats going to happen is if I would quit saying yes to working on the ambulance to. I have been figuring out when Jason will have a weekend off and thats when I will make sure that I have that time off as well. Hopefully we will be able to take a week in April and head to Califorina to see family.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Jason's new wedding band

Well for our wedding anniversary gift from me to Jason is that I took him in and got his finger sized and had him look at wedding bands. When he found the one he liked I went ahead and got it ordered for him. Just two weeks ago I was able to get it ordered and then last week I gave it to him. It looks weird on his finger cause I have been so used to him not wearing one. He even tells me that it feels weird to have it on his finger also. It looks good on him.

I ended up going back to Barnes and Noble to get more books and noticed that L.J. Smith came out with another book to the vampire diaries, so I bought that one along with the first three books that P.C. Cast has wrote to a series of hers. I have started reading the vampire diaries and will probably get that one finished either today or on tuessday and then I will start on the other ones. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

We had our 1st snow fall

I can not believe that we are already in the month of October and we get our first snow on the 4th. The same day as Jason's birthday. Jason got to spend his birthday without me cause I was down at my parents house, but that okay cause We will spend time together when I get off of work on wednesday morning. Jason as also been working with Transystems already since he is not able to get into the fields to finish the hay that is down.

I have came to the conclusion that I am not ready for this cold weather at all. I have nto been able to get out any of my winter cloths yet and I am need to get more warmer cloths since I had cleaned out my closet this last spring. Both of my jobs have been steady since the flu season is now into full gear along with everyone thinking that they got the H1N1. The holidays are not that far around the corner. We have halloween, then thanksgiving, then christmas and then the final one for the year of 2009 is new years eve.

Grandma had surgery on the 5th of october to remove cancer from her left eye socket again. They said that the surgery went well and that they had to remove the bones around the eye socket and then take skin and fat from around the stomach area to be able to reconstruct that area. She is staying over night and then hopefully she will be able to come home the next day.

Until next time......take care everyone