Saturday, April 18, 2009

Finally nice weather

For two days in a row we have had nice weather. It's about time. Jason and I went down to my parents house for dinner and finally got to meet my brother's girlfriend. She is really cute and she can give anyone a bad time. This actually the first girlfriend that my brother has really liked since he has been out of high school. She works for the fire service where she supplies the crews and also her mother works for the fire service also by dispatching from Shoshone. She gets along great with the family and we all like her. I hopefully will have a picture of them on here soon.

Jason has been off this whole week due to snow storm that we had the first part of the week and then when it finally warmed up he has been doing yard work and now he is finally going to get the yard mowed. Next week is going to be my craziest weeks that i have ever had since I had planned my wedding, but I am hoping that I will make it through without losing my mind. We are having a bar b que later today with family. So Jason and I have been busy with cleaning and then we will be going into town later today. I finally got a break to sit down and blog before the day gets to busy.

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