Thursday, April 30, 2009

Going Private

Well today I had one crazy day today. I had an eye appointment at 8:45 am up in Boise and then I had to be in Blackfoot for another appointment. So my mother, grandmother and I went up to boise wednesday night and stayed with my uncle and then got up this morning and headed to my first appointment. We did make it to blackfoot an hour before my appointment. Both of my appointments went great and everything looks great. So I do not have to go back up to boise til 3 months from now. I am so happy.

Here lately I have here friends talk about going private due to werid comments and how people take pictures off of anyones blog or from anywhere and then they do things to the pictures. Well I know that I do not have a kids right now, but Jason and I talked about it and we will be going private here soon. For friends and family that what to keep viewing the our blog please send me a comment or if you know my email address you can send me a email that way too. What you will need to do is set up an account with your own log in and password. You will need to give me your email address so I can put it on my viewing lisit.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Snuggles and Shamus

This is Jeff and Shamus.
Shamus (who is my brother Jonathan's dog) thinks that he is a lap dog. He is always trying to get on someones lap or he will act like he is a cat and walk along the edge of the couch on then lay up in the window seal.

Here is Snuggles, our dog. We took her into town one day. Jason has a hold of her and when I turned around it looks like she is holding on to the Pepsi bottle. She thinks she is the princess of the family.

Shoshone and Twin Falls

This is what the Twin Falls looks like now after they damned off one of the falls and this is were the city of Twin Falls got its name from. It has been awhile since there has been this much water coming down.

This picture show what the Twin falls looked like before damning off one of the falls to put a power plant below.

Here is Shoshone Falls a wider view of the falls and I was very surprised that I got a picture of the rainbow that was coiming off the mist of the falls.

Here is a closer view of the falls.
When Jason and went down to see the falls I thought that I had my camera, but when we got down there of course I forgot it, so I took the pictures with my cell phone. The pictures actually turned out good. If you have not been to the falls yet when you get time you should go. It does cost $3.00 dollars per car to get there but it is worth it.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Jeff Dunham

On wednesday Jason and I went to the Idaho Center in Nampa and see Jeff Dunham in concert. Brian know as "the gutiar guy" opened up the show with a few songs. Jeff had Walter, achmed "the dead terriost", peanut, and then jalapeno on a stick. Then Jeff came back out with Bubba J. During the action the whole audience started to recite everything that Bubba J was saying. I actually got to admit that it was worth the price and the drive there even though we had to deal with rush hour traffic. I have never laughed so hard before I looked like I was crying. Jeff is go in person as he is on comedy central and on his DVD.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Jeff and his girlfriend

Jason and I had a really good bar b que with our family. The weather turned out great. Well here is a picture of my brother Jeff and his girlfriend and I got to admit that I am surprised that he is smiling in this picture. This was on friday the 17th then the next day my dad both brothers and her went 4 wheeling in the south hills. I have to say that they make a cute couple.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Finally nice weather

For two days in a row we have had nice weather. It's about time. Jason and I went down to my parents house for dinner and finally got to meet my brother's girlfriend. She is really cute and she can give anyone a bad time. This actually the first girlfriend that my brother has really liked since he has been out of high school. She works for the fire service where she supplies the crews and also her mother works for the fire service also by dispatching from Shoshone. She gets along great with the family and we all like her. I hopefully will have a picture of them on here soon.

Jason has been off this whole week due to snow storm that we had the first part of the week and then when it finally warmed up he has been doing yard work and now he is finally going to get the yard mowed. Next week is going to be my craziest weeks that i have ever had since I had planned my wedding, but I am hoping that I will make it through without losing my mind. We are having a bar b que later today with family. So Jason and I have been busy with cleaning and then we will be going into town later today. I finally got a break to sit down and blog before the day gets to busy.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Feels like winter

I can not believe that it was snowing when I got off work this morning. When I was driving home I passed nurmerous slide offs and it took me about 1 hour and 30 mins to even get home. You could not tell were the two lanes even started. It was very nerve racking even when there are semi drivers are passing you or you have other cars passing also. When is it suppose to start getting warm???????? I guess we will just have to be patient with mother nature til then.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Our Last Night

Jason and me

Julian and Darlene Jolley
This was Jason and mines last night on vacation with the family. The rest of them did not come back home til monday. My parents, Jason and I went to the water show at the Belligo and the Volcano show at the Mirage, but first we stop at the Paris hotel and got some drinks and then we waled across the street to watch the water show. Then it was back to the Mirage to watch the volcano show. We drove back to the hotel and Jason had all three of us laughing at what he was doing. We went and had our last dinner with my parents. We headed home on sunday.

the secert garden

I know I am probably tiring you out with pictures from the trip, but I thought that I would put some more on then I promise that I will be finished.
These pictures are at the secert garden in the mirage hotel. We got watch the dolphins interact with their trainers and found out that they had a baby dolphin born in septmeber 2008 named Bella. Then we went I seen some lions, tigers, baby tigers, and even a baby leopard.

Friday, April 10, 2009

fremont street

Jason Aldean performed at fremont street during the weekend for the ACMA that was being held on sunday at the MGM.

Jake Owens was also one of the artists that was also performing

Gina and me waiting to see Jason Aldean in Concert and it was starting to get really crowaded before he came on.

Here is Craig infront to fremont street when we first arrived. This also on the 3rd April. Just as we got back from the Grand Canyon.

One of the hotels that is located on fremont street.

Grand Canyon

On April 3rd, we went to the Grand Canyon and as you can tell the wind was blowing the tempature was 50 degrees on top of the canyon, but there was also a storm coming in. The tempature at teh bottom of the canyon was 70 degrees. I can say this that I am not afraid of heights but I was a little nervous standing close to the edge and the wind was blowing so hard that it was pushing my around. Some of these pictures that was taken just remind me of a painting and even looking at the Grand Canyon in person also looked just like a painting.

Bikes made by Orange County Choppers

April 2nd. These bikes here are located in Luxor. Each of these bikes were made by orange county choppers for Chris Angel. There was a total of about 4 bikes there. Each had a different design. You even had a chance to put in to win Chris Angel's corvette, but I was not interested in that. It was really cool to see what it looked like inside the pyramid and how tiny people looked when you looked up to the different levels.

pictures of vacation

I just want to apoligize ahead of time for the picture overload from my vacation. It was hard to pick which pictures to show on the blog, so I decided to show the ones that I liked the best.
This is on April !st in front of New York New York. From left to right my dad, my mom, jason, me and my brother. My cousin is the one who is taking the picture.

We are still in front of New York New York. From left to right: my dad, jason, my brother, and my cousin(who flew over from london to spend time with us.) This was my brothers and My cousins first time in Vegas.
Craig(cousin) and me in front of Harrah's had already started on our second drink from the paris hotel. We where waiting for some friends to go and eat.

Here is Jason and I in Tobey Keith's bar and grill inside of the Harrah's having dinner. Our friends showed up, which they where not pictured in here but Tami and Lynn are with us at dinner.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Las Vegas Vacation 2009

Well I can not believe that it is already the 2nd day of April. Jason and I finally got to go on vacation with my family. Even though we ended up coming to Las Vegas, but my cousin came over from England and he has never been here and we are celebrating my younger brothers 21st birthday even though it is almost a year later. The weather here has been nice. Today the temperature is about in the 80's. Our friends Travis and Gina arrived today and then the rest of the group will be here on friday.
We arrived here in Vegas on the 1st of April and the weather was great. It is nice to finally have nice weather instead of all of that cold weather back home. The roads were icey from Rogerson to Contact, Neveda then after the roads were great. My parents, brother, cousin, Tami, Lynn, Jason and I went I ate at Toby Keith's I love this bar and grill last night and the food was great. I still can not believe how much building is still going on here even with economy the way that it is. We are looking at going to the Grand Canyon tomorrow and then hopefully we will be going to Fremont Street for some free shows that are going on over the weekend since the CMA awards will be here on Sunday at the MGM. Our group is looking at going to the Stratosphere to ride the rides at the top. Jason and I will be heading home on Sunday. SO hopefully I will have some pictures to show here when we get back.