Friday, October 31, 2008

It's Halloween

It is finally halloween. Time for the ghouls and goblens to come out and play tonight.

Jason and I decided that I am going to have the lasik eye surgery done after the new year. I am a little scared cause this ig going to be the first surgery that I have had ever. I have to go back the eye doctor and have two more tests done and also watch a video then I will be making two trips to Boise to see what kind of surgery will be best for me. Then hopefully then I will know how much time I am going to have to take off of work to give me time to recover or when my eyes will have time to recover.

I can not believe that we only have two more months left in the year of 2008 before the new year. It seems to me that this year had just started but then again it just went to fast.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Hoover Dam

I was on top of the dam when I took this picture. Here it will show how much of bridge that they got done and that they working on more supports that will run underneath the bridge to support the road. They said that the bridge is about 800 to 900 feet above the colorado river.

This picture I took when I was looking out through one of the vents located on the side of the dam. I got a different view of the dam, bridge and the river. Here you can tell how far the bridge is above the river.

This part of the bridge is on the nevada side. They have made a lot of progress. The road that leads to the bridge is all paved up to the bridge.

This part is on the arizona side. We are coming down the hill heading to the dam when you get a veiw of it. A lot has changed since the last time I was there and that was over 3 1/2 years ago.

Here is Tara and I sitting in our last class of the day. Here we met a guy from Delaware who said that about two years ago he came to Idaho to help with the forest fires that we had. As you can tell tara and I had been laughing when he took the picture.

Vegas EMS Expo

Tara and I was walking to strip heading to the M&M store when we seen the red M&M standing outside waving at everyone and taking pitctures with people so we decided to get a picture with him. We both were tired here cause we had got back from being at Hoover Dam, taking a tour and looking at the bridge that they are building over the canyon. this was our last night in Vegas and the next day we headed back to Idaho.

We were waiting to take our tour through the dam. Tara held up her plastic yellow hard hat up when I took this picture. People with the plastic yellow hard hats took a tour that went past the generators through some of the tunnels. We got to see the first crack in the dam, look out through one of vents on the side of the dam and then we took an elavator that took us onto the top of the dam.

This is in the exibt hall at the conference and Tara and I decided to take a picture in front of the fire truck cause if you close on the window it says spartans. Yes, Tara and I went to Minico High and our mascot is the spartans. We had a blast at the conference and even in the exibit hall.

This picture was taken on our first night in vegas. We went down a day early so we could register for the conference and reflax before we went and sat through class. We are in front of New York New York were we made our first stop and got a drink and then we went and had dinner. We would each night walk about two blocks to the strip and then we would do more walking. We went to Treasure Island for dinner one night and then walked back to our hotel from there. Another night we went to Tournament of Kings, which is a dinner and a show) and I got to admit that is was really good. We even took time to get souvniers for people. The conference was a blast too.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

First snow fall of October

Well I got up this mornign about 5:30 am to get ready for being on call when my husband told me that it was snowing. When I left home it was not bad but as soon as I got onto the interstate heading to burley and the closer that I got to burley the more snow that was on the road the slower that each vehicle got.

I went upstairs at my parents house and noticed that it is still snowing and that there is a lot on the ground. The only thing that I am happy about is that I will be heading to vegas tuesday morning with Tara, so hopefully the weather there will be a bit nicer and warmer. I will hope that I will have some pictures of the snow on here as soon as I can.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

TWILIGHT - The Official Movie Site

TWILIGHT - The Official Movie Site

Click on this website and enjoy the new trailer of Twlight.

Count down to Vacation

Well finally Tara and I will be leaving for Vegas in 5 days for our EMS conference that we signed up for. Jason and Tom were going to go with us but with them trying to get summer harvest wraped up before snow starts to fall. They both decided that they will stay here to get finished up. SO yes that means that it is a girls trip. Can not wait to see what kind of things that we will learn at this conference.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Where has the time gone!!!!!!!!

Where have the days, weeks, months and the year have gone. I can not believe that it is already the tenth month of the year and we are almost half way through this month already. It has been awhile since I have posted any blogs but I have been busy with both of my jobs and trying to get the house back in order since I am hardly even home. The holidays are not that far away. The only things that I have been waiting for is to see the first snow fall of the year and to tell you the truth I am not ready for it.

I have been trying to get things together for my trip to Vegas next week and I really don't think that I am ready for it. Tara and I will have fun even though we aill be sitting in class for three days but in the evening we can go out and play for awhile.

There has been so much that has been going on that I don't know if I am coming or going half of the time. Work has been crazy at both hospitals. There are times that I have wonder what actually keeps me going and what actually keeps me getting up and going to work. Don't get wrong I love doing what I am doing especially working as an EMT. In September I had two calls that tested me to see if I ma going to be able to handle this job and to my surprise I handle each one well. But after each call I did go and talk to fellow emt's about what went on during the call. I am still hanging in there. Next step is it try to move up to advance.