Saturday, May 31, 2008


Well the funeral was on wednesday the 28th of May. I am so worn out from everything that the past few days I have been really tired and had slept long then what I have before. On friday I ended getting called in to work cause a coworker ended up getting admitted into the hospital. I went in but of course I had no calls. Nothing has changed with that, so I should enjoy while it last cause I will never know when that will not happen like that.

Jason has finally started cutting hay since they were not able to do anything due to the weather and the rain. They are noe able to do any cutting when the crop and the field is wet and muddy, so Jason has been doing house work and spending a lot of time sleeping also. On Sunday I will be starting my three days a week, so I will get to see how this is going to go for me since I will be working two 12 hour shifts and one 14 hour shift.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Rough week

Starting last wednesday the 21st of May about four in the morning my grandpa passed away and I was not able to spend my wedding anniversary with my husband cause I had to work but that all changed when I went and sat next my grandpa until he passed. I was not thinking about my anniversary cause there will always be others. Since then it has one crazy day after another. The viewing is on tuesday and then the funeral is on wednesday.

I have seen people loose family memebers while working in the ER but it is a while different story when it comes to your own family member. I still at times have a hard time dealing with watching my grandpa taking his last breath and his heart beating for the last time. But I do know that he is not in pain anymore and I will get to see him later and that he his watching me for a better place.

Well in better news jason and I hopefully will get to put some good news on here but you all will have to wait and see what that news will be.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

time flys

I can not believe how fast the month of May has gone. Anymore it fills like all of the years, months, weeks, and days are just pushed together all into one month. Summer is almost here which menas that it will be time to do some camping along with outdoor activities also along with the county fairs are just around the corner. I will be going to three days a week at my job instead of working four days a week. I am hoping that it will give me more time with my family and friends and a bit mre of a break between both of my jobs too. I am looking forward to seeing my family that is coming over from london, england. It has been since 2002 since I have last seen them.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

house warming party

Well we just finished up with our bar b que that we had today. It was fun and good to see everyone that was able to come. Jason and I wished that everyone was able to come but we understand the whole having to work and not able to make it. We had everyone in our prays and was thinking about them. My dad did an excellent job on the cooking, everyone enjoyed it and it all went which was great cause there was hardly any food left and then the peach cobler and the ice cream cake went too. The weather was even nice also we could not ask for it any better.

Jason and I figured that this will not be the last bar b que that we will have this year. Hopefully or no I should say guarntted we will have some more. Jason and I are tried and we still need to finish cleaning up was left after everyone left, which is not much but thats okay. Until next time.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

party time

Jason and I are getting excited to be having our first party at our house on may 17th with friends and family. We will hopfully get to see some family that we have not seen for over a year or even longer. Then Jason and I will be celebrating our thrid wedding anniversary. I can not believe that we are in the 5th month of the year 2008. Where are the days and months going. The next thing we will know it will be time for kids to going back school and for to be getting cold again. Hopefully I will have pictures to post from the party. Until then...........

Monday, May 5, 2008

Warm weather is finally here

well the first day in may I get off of work and it is snowing, but the on friday it was really nice and warm. I finally work two days of high school rodeo on friday and saturday. I got to admit that the weather was great. On friday Jason and I went to his great uncle's funeral who passed away from lung cancer. It was emotional and Uncle Gene will be gratefully missed. Jason and I will be celabrating our three year anniversay on the 21st of this month. I just can not believe that it has been three years already. We are finally going to have a barbque on the 17th of this month at our house to have friends and family over to show them the house and to have a great time. It has finally started to warm up.