Friday, March 28, 2008

Finally Internet!!!!!!!!!

Well we finally got the internet hooked up at our house after going through 3 different companies. I guess thrid time was a charm. We had to go through cable one to get teh internet cause the other two was not able to get a stronge enough signal to pick anything up. I am so happy that we finaaly got it cause now I can do things here at home instead of going over to my parents house or over to my in laws house. I do thank them for letting us us the internet. It is so much nicer to have here. Well I don't think that the wether that we been having is spring weather and I can tell you that I am ready for it to start warming up here cause I am getting tired of it being cold. Hopefully here soon it will start warming up and we can start enjoying doing outdoor activities.

Monday, March 24, 2008

almost four months into 2008

I have always wondered where the days and months go. I was talking to a friend and she mentioned that in April she will have her emt certification for a year and then it dawned on me that in May I will also have my for a year. Wroking as an emt brings new light to how the human body works and how it handles everything that it goes through. Ever since I have been working I have seen so many different things, like saving a life (I had only been working for about three weeks when that happened and yes I was scared and nerevous), not able to save a life, lifeflighting someone out, and anything else that can happened. Jason and I have some many things going on that hopefully everything goes okay. I did find out that one of our frineds who will be getting married this summer asked us (when they start having kids) if we would be that god parents and of course yes said yes. I was shocked that they asked but I am glad to have been asked.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Puerta Vallarta 2008

Jason and I on the Santa Maria tour. We went to the arches for snorkeling and along the way we seen three humpback whales and seen dolphins swiming along with the boat. It was a hot day.

This was one of the many sand sculptures that was made on the beach in downtown puerta vallarta.

This was one of the sunsets that we got to see. This one looks like it could be a post card along with a sailboat.

This was our last walk on the beach together before heading home to Idaho were the weather is cold, but we were all ready to head home.

Jason and I in the airport at Puerta Vallarta waiting for our plane. We had a blast on our vacation. We did a lot of things along with the tropical city tour, atv tour, rmythm of the nights, and the santa maria tour. We got to enjoy a beach party along with seeing everyone having fun and enjoying themselves. We are glad to be back and it is time to start saving money for another trip next year.

more pictures

Jason and I on a boat heading to the other side to the bay for a dinner and a show that is called
Rythm of the nights. We ate dinner by candle light and then watched the show. The show was good and so was the whole trip. We even got to drink all we wanted to drink of beer, rum punch and anything else we requested.

This is the other tequila factroy that we got to see and yes we even bought a bottle and brought it back with us.

This sign is in front of a restraunt called Senor Frogs. I thought that it was cute and funny so I had to get a picture of it.

This is one of the many signs that hang from the ceiling at senor frogs.

This sea lion was at the port that we were at to go on another trip. He was showing visitors tricks and getting fish for a treat.

pictures from vacation

This was one of the tequila factries that we got to take a tour on and even got to sample about 10 different types and flavors of tequila.

Jason and I on a tropical city tour that we took. We learned a lot from the trip. We even learned about which moives we filmed there like predator, love bug, love boat, fire walker and some other movies.

We seen this aircraft carrier in the Bay on the sixth day that we were there. It was neat to see a ship like that that close to port.

This is on of those puff fish that we seen on the beach. It looks like it is smiling back at us. Isn't he cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is a pirate ship that you could take and have a dinner and a show. We never did it but we did hear that it was a blast.

Jason and his dad on the beach during our first day of vacation. It was hard to get a picture of both looking at the camera. As you can tell they had fun walking on the beach and getting wet from the waves.

Jason and I on our first day in Puerta Vallarta, Mexico. As soon as we got to the resort and our room we all changed into shorts and headed to the bar for out first drink and then headed to the beach for a walk.

Doug, Jason, and I just finished our breakfast at the boise airport before getting onto the plane. This was the start of our vacation.