Friday, June 25, 2010

Really slacking

I can not believe that I have been really slacking on the blogging... There has been so much that has been going on lately with Jason and I that we are trying to get everything in order and hopefully we will be letting more friends and family know whats been going on.

I just can not believe that we are half way through the year already and that this weekend is the boat regatta, which I will be working today at. According to the weather its going to be in the low 80's, but hopefully that there will be a little bit of a breeze.

Jason has been busy on the farm and me well I have been working and trying to get the house cleaned up but I have lacking engery for the past 2 weeks that all I want to do is sleep. Hopefully I will be able to get some house cleaning down before ending down to burley for the regatta. Talk to you all soon.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

update on the diet

Jason and I want to update everyone on our diet that we have been doing for 22 days now. Jason as been doing really good, he has lost about 20 pounds or more, depending on how well he does on his eating. I have lost little over 10 pounds and have dropped down in pant sizes. When i realized how well I was doing was when I was getting ready for work last saturday (on the ambluance) my xl uniform shirt seem big on me, so I pulled out my large size shirt and i could not believe that it fit and that i had no problem having it untucked a little bit. On sunday it will be 25 days since starting the diet after that we stop the diet for six weeks but we still have to slowly bring other food back in but watch what and how much we eat. Jason and I do have our days were we go out and eat, but we make sure that we get and stay back on track. We have been doing a lot of walking along the canyon rim when the weather is nice, if not we walk on the treadmill here at home.. After the six weeks we will probably go back on the diet to try to loose a little bit more weight.. We will keep everyone informed......... love ya all

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Carrie Underwood concert 2010

Carrie Underwood
Carrie Underwood

Craig Morgan

Sons of Slyvia

Carrie Underwood and I
The concert was really good... Jason, Kelly and I had fun.... They all put on a really good show.. When we first got there I had to go pick up our tickets and my meet and greet package. I felt bad cause Jason and Kelly had to wait in line while I went into the Idaho center. Before the show there was a group of us that got to meet carrie, get an autograph and also a picture with her. So i had carrie sign a cd that I brought with me. Now till the next concert.