Monday, December 28, 2009

almost a new year

Well christmas is over and now we are only 5 days away from a new year and hopefully a new beginning. I have been working since the 24th of december and I am really starting to drag, I will be off on wednesday morning and will get 4 days off. Jason and I both had to work these holidays so it did not bother us to work. Hope everyone had a good christmas and see you all in the new year.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

New pictures

We got our pictures taken this year on the 28th of November. We thought that we would have both of our dogs with us but that was a very interseting day with our black lab. Pepper is only 7 mths old so she would not stay still for us. We did get some good pictures with us even snuggles looked at the camera. It was a very cold day.

Monday, December 14, 2009

We will miss you!!!!!!

Archie Lee Wells Sr.
On monday the 7th, we lost a loving father and friend to a brain tumor. The thing that I will remember the most was taht he always had a smile on his face. When Jason and I first visited him in the hospital in October he tolded me a story on how Jason got his nickname "shadow". He tolded me that when Jason and Cameron were younger, Jason would follow Cameron around like a shadow. Before we left for the night he told Jason and I that he would like a "lil shadow" and that is or was on his grandpa's wish list. When we went to visit him a week after his first surgery in october, he was moved over to the rehab side. He was doing his rehab but the only thing that he wanted was to read his scriptures and he found one for me to read. He looked at Jason as a son and it was hard to see Jason cry during the funeral, but he was not the only one, I was right along with him. The day he pasted it was snowing and on saturday the 12th was the funeral and it was snowing till we got to the cemetery. Then it quit.

His wish was to be taken to his final resting place by the westren state garbage service that he worked for 20 years. In the picture above shows Archie resting on a platform that Cameron made for him. He will be greatly missed, but he will always be in our hearts and watchin over us.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Finally snow!!!!!!!

I don't have a pictures of the snow that we got in 2 days and I know its not as much as other places have been getting......... It's starting to feel more like christmas and it would be nice to have a white christams..... The only thing with me is that I don't like this cold weather and its sad that I don't cause I remember going hunting in this kind of weather but colder...... What Happened???????

Jason and I finally had a date night on friday. I dragged him to New Moon and he actually liked it due to some of the action that was in it.. It was a good movie but I did not like the ending to it..... We finally got our proofs and then we are ordering the pictures and thening hauling but to send out christmas cards...... I am falling behind on things..

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

falling asleep

Here lately I have been having troubles staying awake at work. I guess it does not help when I only check in a total of 2 patients during my whole shift. Doing thins to keep my mind busy is not helping like it used to. Being on my computer at night does not help either and you can only stand being on the computer for so many hours.