Sunday, July 26, 2009

Camping at FS Flats

one of the cow mooses that walked near our camp....right behind this one was another cow moose.

Shamus having breakfast at the table

Shamus watching the campers next to us with their dogs

What I looked like after four wheeling with my dad.....We went clear to Bosteter then back to Rock Creek/.

Shamus is ready to ride the four wheeler or is he wanting to drive? good question......
We headed up to the south hills on thursday and got a really good campsite at FS Flatts.......I had fun being there........ I came back home late friday night and then headed back up on saturday night after I got off work.......I wish that I was able to stay up there a little bit longer but I have to get back to work......I can not wait till the next camping trip with my family......Jason was not able to stay like I did cause he had to work up he did come up on thursday and the he came up on sunday and we all headed back home.

new pics

Jeff and Talia
My mother got some new pictures of Jeff and Talia........... These two look so cute........and if you notice Jeff is starting to thin out on the top...... They are now both busy working, Jeff has been busy with fires and Talia has been working in the warehouse getting the equipment ready for the firefighters that are in the forest service.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

nice weather

I can not believe how nice the weather has been but for the first three days I am usually sleeping during the day cause I work graveyard, but after working my three days I get to enjoy the weather. I get to go camping with my family on thursday up in the south hills and I can not wait to go. Finally a little break from work.........

Last tuesday the 14th........I ran into Tara at Love's and got to see her little guy.......They named him Thomas Leroy Robinson Jr., but they call him T.J. for short....He is so cute and adorable.....Jason and I would like to congradulate Tara, Tom, and the girls and the newest addition to their family.

Jason and I hope that everyone is doing good and enjoying the weather......We hope to see you all soon.

Monday, July 13, 2009

It's been 4 months!!!!!! can u believe it?????

Well here towards the end of July I will be heading back up to Boise for my 3 month appointment to see how well everything is going. If any of our friends and family does not know on March 17th, 2009 I went and had what they call Visian lens implants done on my eyes and it has been 4 months on the 17th of July since the surgery. It's been funny watching me cause at times I keep wanting to push my glasses on and I end up poking my eye or when I get back from driving and I end up leaving my sun glasses on.

Jason and I are doing good. We both have been busy working. Our new puppy is now 3 months old and she had her first vet visit. She was to happy to go. We finally got her a dog run, so we can start keeping her out side. Jason has told me that she only cried for 10 mins and then she was quiet. I hope she is okay.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Enjoyed the 4th of July

Hope everyone had a good 4th of July......... I went to Chailis with my parents to meet up with my youngest brother. We then went into Stanley to have lunch. We were not able to meet up with Jeff cause he actually had to work. It was nice up in the mountains except that it did rain off and on when we were there. It is so green up there but you can till that it is starting to dry out. I have never seen some many campers even in Red Fish Lake. They did have part of the lake closed off. When we got back home it was real since and it was still warm. I felt bad that Jason was not able to go with us due to having to work.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Half way through the year

I can not believe that we are now half way through this year. Anymore it just seems like the years just fly by. I remember when I was in school that I could not wait for summer and then I could not wait to graduate from high school. After graduating months seem to fly by fast each time. I just had my 10 year school reunion in June, but I did not go to it. I ca not believe that I have been out of school for that long cause the drama that I usually have to deal with makes me feel like I am back in school. People just need to grow up and start acting their age.

Hope everyone is enjoying there summer.