Saturday, March 28, 2009

really good news

On thursday I had my one week follow up after the surgery . During the appointment I was reading 20/20. they did have me try to read 20/13 but I was only able to read one letter but that is okay with me. I am very surprised that I was able to read 20/20 at least.

Jason has been able to start doing some work in the fields trying to get them ready for farming. We are looking foward to having a vacation together with my part of the family and to spend time with my cousin. We will be heading down to vegas on the 1st of april. Until then..................

Monday, March 23, 2009

Happy News

Well it has been a weeks since I have had my surgery and I am still trying to used to the idea that I do not have reach over and put my glasses on in the morning or even take them off when I get into the shower. It is funny to watch me at work. I have caught myself trying to grab my ear piece and even puch them up on my face as if I was wearing my glasses and the all result in me poking myself in the eye a few times. The day of the surgery I was seeing what they call 20/40 in both eyes. The next day I had a post op and I was seeing 20/25. That is a big imporvement from what my eyes were before the surgery. I go back up to Boise on Thursday for a follow up.

The other the great news is that my cousin Craig finally got here on Saturday night then got to my parents house on sunday. It is really good to see him. I just can not wait to take our family vacation that we got planned in April. We are taking my brother down to Las Vegas for is late 21st brithday present. I wish that the rest of my family from London, England were able to come over. I have not seen that part of the family for awhile.

Friday, March 20, 2009

update after surgery

Some people may or may not know, but I went and had lenes implants done on the 17th. Jason and I are just wanting to let friends and family know that everything went good and now I am just trying to used to the idea of not having to wear my glasses at all. For ten nights I have to wear these goggles anytime that I take a nap or sleep. I will have to take a picture of them and show you what they look like. Jason tolded me that when I was sleeping that I do end up removing them cause he thinks that when I am sleeping that I think that they are my glasses and that they are bothering me so I would end up removing them. Anyway I am doing fine just being lazy and bored.

Friday, March 6, 2009

really sad

Here lately I have been getting bored playing computer games at work or watching moives, so I decided to read my books that I have. First off let me say that I have already read this books once and now I am reading them for the second time. I am now reading all of the books in the twilight series and I read the second book I finished in 3 days and now I have started on the third book. I know isn't there anything else that I can read. Well to tell the truth no cause I really do not want to go out and buy another book to read so I have been re-reading the books that I already have. HOPEFULLY something else will come along so I can read something else.

Rascal Flatts Concert

Jason's friend had two tickets to go see rascal flatts in concert up in boise and asked if we would like to go. So Jason and I made a trip up there. Jessica Simpson opened up for them but I did not pay much attention cause it seem like there was to much bass, but anyway the seats that we had where great. Here are some pictures from the concert:

We had a great time at the concert. We would like to thank Mark Feldhusen for asking us if we would like to go, so they did not get waste and thanks for the great seats.

beeb busy

It has been awhile since I have posted anything and I am sorry about that. Jason and I have both been busy and since Jason gat layed off from Transystems he has been trying to find a job but no such luck so far. I have been busy with work and going to my eye doctors appointment on the 19th of february and lets say that I think they did ever test imaginable that you could have done on our eyes and the on the 2nd of march I went back to have a procdure done on my eyes.

I have realized that no matter how caution I can get when working in the hospital I still get sick. It all started on sunday morning when I got off work. On Thrusday Jason had to drag me to go see a doctor cause I try to avoid going to them if I don't need to but it made him happy. I have had this whole week off and not able to get anything done around my house like I have been wanting to.