Monday, March 28, 2011

Riley is 2 mths old

Where has the time gone......... My little guy is now 2 months old and weights 9 lbs 5 oz and is 21 inches long..... He is growing in lenght not width and he is just now not able to wear any of his newborn cloths.... He is so much fun to watch. He is doing a lot of baby talking and grunting, he even does that in his sleep and here lately he has been sleeping for about 6 hours now. We are hoping that he will be able to sleep through the night longer. Jason will be starting a month of summer construction with transystems until he is able to get into the full swing of farming, since this weather here in Idaho has been crazy. It is really snowing as I am typing this blog and its the end of march.. I am really wanting some warm weather now. As for me, this is my last week staying home with Riley cuz I am going back to work on sunday starting my regular 3 days a week. I should look at the fact that I do get 4 days off during the week, but its hard since I have been off work since the first part of december due to being on bed rest. We are all doing well and hope to get to see and spend time with our family and friends

more pic's of Riley

snuggles keeping an eye on riley
riley with his new toy that we bought him

Riley & Janessa hanging out on the floor. She was holding his hand but I did not get the picture in time. This is my favorite picture.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Riley's open house

uncle jeff & riley

Uncle Jeff, Aunt Talia, & Riley

Riley hanging out in auntie's arms

Riley with his aunt and uncle

It was a fun party.... got to see frineds and family that we have not seen for a while... We even got together with our friends and got a card game together... everyone had a blast.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

getting behind

I am feeling really bad that I have been getting behind on keeping my blog updated and our family picture website up. These last few months have been busy. I have been trying to keep up on the house cleaning as much as I can but I have been doing more of cleaning bottles and Riley's laundry, but I will admit that I have had days where I just don't want to do anything so I am being lazy right with Riley. He has been growing and changing so much that I sometimes can not believe it. He has been trying to hold up his head and we have been doing tummy time but there are times where he just lays there and tries to fall asleep.

I am hoping now since that I have got everything updated that I can be able to keep up on it.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Our offical family pictures

This one is my favorite, cause we were trying to get him position when we both looked down at him and that was when she took the picture.

Riley was thinking "not again & when are we done"

We used a afagan that my grandmother made Riley for this picture

This is one of his many smile that he gives
We had our offical family pictures taken... Riley was doing good at first but then he getting tired and hungry by the time we were finished. Hope you guys in enjoy. Riley is a month