Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A year

I can not believe that just a year ago I was up in Boise having the Visian Lens implants put into my eyes. That was the first surgery that I have had in 28 years. Thinking back to that day Jason and I headed up the day before the surgery after I got off work at 11 pm. We got to the hotel that we were staying at and I was not able to sleep. I did everything like taking a warm bath and lying on the couch listening to my Ipod but nothing work. When it came to me having to be over to the surgery center at 6 am in the morning I was tired. I was sitting in the room having my blood presure taken, dilating my pupils and then they came in to put a IV in my hand to be able to administer the meds. I was so nerves that even Jason even noticed and I had so many things running through my head. I went in for my first lens inplant and when I came to I was able to see the doctor finishing with the suture. They took me across the hall to check my vision and I was seeing 20/40. I went into another room to wait for my other lens inplant. When I came out of that surgery I got light headed and sick to my stomach so they had me lie down.

Jason came into the room and was telling me that he got to watch them do the surgery on my left eye and that he was not able to watch my first one cause the camera was not working. I was then taken across the hall to check my vision and I was seeing 20/40. We went back to the hotel to sleep and rest. I slept most of the day. We did try to go and eat out but that was not that sucessfull. We went back to the eye center the next day to see how everything is doing and what my vision is. Everything was looking good and I was seeing 20/35 in both eyes. I had to sleep with an eye shield on for ten days and the funny thing was that I would wake up with them in my hand. We went back a week after the surgery for another follow up and I was now seeing 20/20 and I was able to make out some of the letters on the 20/15 line. I met with the doctor who did the surgery and he was surprised that I was 20/20 after a week cause he was not specting for that but he was really happy with that out come.

Now with it being a year I am happy that I went through with the surgery and don't have to deal with glasses and contacts anymore.

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