Saturday, March 27, 2010

more wedding pictures

father daughter dance, Jamie and Dennis

Matt and Jamie's first dance

Jamie and I. We have know each other for 29 years. We grew up together. Our families would do a lot of camping together and have get togethers also.

Jason, me, Jamie, and Matt

It was a fun night. I am happy that she found someone that makes her happy and laugh. It's good to have him part of the clan.

Jamie and Matt's wedding

This was the sign that was carried after the wedding. They had a sign just before the bride was came down the asile saying "Here comes the bride." It was really cute.

Jamie Harris (bride) and Matt Ferguson (groom) listening to the first and second readings.

Jamie being walked down the aisle by her father Dennis. She looked beautiful.
It was a very nice wedding and it was a blast. It was good to see the Harris family and their spouses and kids also. I had a blast. More pictures to come.

Before the Wedding

Jason and Jonathan being lazy before the wedding. Boys will be boys

This is the view from the 4th floor of the skyview center. Where the wedding was being held. It was amazing. We even had a view of the city skyline and when the sun set it was beautiful. The weather turned out nice and there was a little breeze and it was perfect.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Days off

I can not believe that this week I will have four days off. It is going to feel nice to have more days off instead of having one day off in between both of my jobs. I just won't know what to do with all that time off. On saturday we will be heading up to Boise for my friends wedding at the Skyview Center at BSU. Whats going to be nice is that Jason will be going with us this time. We will just be minus one brother and his girlfriend. I have not seen our family friends for a while now and it going to be good to see them. I really need to yard work and need to clean around the house also. I will have to see if I get to do any of that depending on the weather.

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Jason, Kelly and I went to Boise for a concert with Luke Bryan and Jason Aldean at the Taco Bell Arena at BSU. We headed up around 10 am and spent the day up there. We went to the mall and then had dinner at the Olive Garden and then went vehicle shopping for my mother in law. We got up front parking at the concert with the VIP pasrking pass that I bought. The concert was fun. Luke Bryan put on a good show along with Jason Aldean. That is one concert down and two more to go.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A year

I can not believe that just a year ago I was up in Boise having the Visian Lens implants put into my eyes. That was the first surgery that I have had in 28 years. Thinking back to that day Jason and I headed up the day before the surgery after I got off work at 11 pm. We got to the hotel that we were staying at and I was not able to sleep. I did everything like taking a warm bath and lying on the couch listening to my Ipod but nothing work. When it came to me having to be over to the surgery center at 6 am in the morning I was tired. I was sitting in the room having my blood presure taken, dilating my pupils and then they came in to put a IV in my hand to be able to administer the meds. I was so nerves that even Jason even noticed and I had so many things running through my head. I went in for my first lens inplant and when I came to I was able to see the doctor finishing with the suture. They took me across the hall to check my vision and I was seeing 20/40. I went into another room to wait for my other lens inplant. When I came out of that surgery I got light headed and sick to my stomach so they had me lie down.

Jason came into the room and was telling me that he got to watch them do the surgery on my left eye and that he was not able to watch my first one cause the camera was not working. I was then taken across the hall to check my vision and I was seeing 20/40. We went back to the hotel to sleep and rest. I slept most of the day. We did try to go and eat out but that was not that sucessfull. We went back to the eye center the next day to see how everything is doing and what my vision is. Everything was looking good and I was seeing 20/35 in both eyes. I had to sleep with an eye shield on for ten days and the funny thing was that I would wake up with them in my hand. We went back a week after the surgery for another follow up and I was now seeing 20/20 and I was able to make out some of the letters on the 20/15 line. I met with the doctor who did the surgery and he was surprised that I was 20/20 after a week cause he was not specting for that but he was really happy with that out come.

Now with it being a year I am happy that I went through with the surgery and don't have to deal with glasses and contacts anymore.

Friday, March 12, 2010

I got my hair colored and cut again and it was cut just above my shoulders. Yes it is shorter then what I have had since I was a senior in high school. I do have to admit that I do at times miss being able to put it into a pony tail and out of my face. Then I realize that my hair looks and feels healthier.

When I was ion Boise I found out that my drivers licences was expired and that I have been driving for over a month. So after I got my hair done I went over to the DMV and renewed my drivers licences. Now I am a legal begeal now. I met up with Mandie (jonathan's girlfriend) for lunch. We had a good time sitting and being able to talk. I have had three good days of resting and getting things done. Now its back to work tomorrow.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Appointment went great.

Before I headed up to Boise for my appointment I made another appointment but this is to get my hair done. I realized that it is time to get it cut and colored.

I just got back from my appointment and it went great. My vision has not changed much and he removed the last sutured from my left eye that had came loose. I met up with my brother Jeff and Talia before heading home. Did not get to spend much time with them but thats okay cause there is always next time. I don't have to have another appointment for my eyes till a year from now. One less thing to worry about unless something happens between now and then.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Finally a break

Today I finally made my follow up appointment for my eyes. The funny thing was that I did not think that I would be able to get an appointment this week, but I did for thursday. I get to go and see how my eyes are doing and if there any changes in my vision.

I am finally happy that the month of February is over. That was the month from hell. I felt like I did not have time to myself or time to even spend with Jason. When I took at least a week off in February, I ended up getting sick so that was not much of a vacation. I get to have three days off this week before going back to work.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Back at again

Well for the past 3 days I have back to reading books again and this time I found another serise of books by another that does not talk about vampires. Its about immortals. The authors name is Alyson Noel. I have to admit that I have not been able to put the books down that much and I am almost finished with the 3rd book and that the fourth book does not come out till this summer. So I will have to wait to read that one like the other books that have another book coming out that I have read since september of last year. Oh well, I am reading instead of being on facebook that much and I have noticed that it does pass the time away when you are reading and not paying attention the time at work or at home.