Friday, June 26, 2009

ShoShone Falls and Caldron Linn

Caldron Linn

Caldron Linn

Caldron Linn

ShoShone Falls
On June 24th, I did not feel like going to sleep after I got off work. The first thing that I did was take my car into the dealership for a recall on the 2007's Ford Focus. They checked out the valve stems and everything looks good. Then I went to Old Navy to do some shopping not a very good thing. Then I decided to head down to ShoShone Falls to see what everyone is talking about. Knowing that all of the resoviors are full and some are over max they had to open the gates all the way to get the water moving. With having all of this rain the farmers have not been using the canal water, so the water has been going back into the river. When I got down there I seen people from Florida, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, and Utah. There is alot more water coming down then there was about 2 months ago. I did go down to the Twin Falls but nothing much has changed. Then I drove down to Caldron Linn and there was quit a bit of people there also. There also was alot of water coming through there then before. Above are some pictures that I took of the ShoShone Falls and of Caldron Linn. I hope you enjoy and I do hope everyone goes and see them beofre the water level drops again.

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