Monday, June 29, 2009

Playful Dogs

Pepper rolling over with her toys

Jason helping Snuggles play tug a war with Pepper
Jason was playing with Pepper when Snuggles jumped in to play tug a war. It was the cutest thing that was going on. I like the fact that since we have had pepper, snuggles has been staying outside more and playing a lot more. Snuggles has taught Pepper how to escape out of the back yard, but Jason did fix that problem.

Boat Regatta

Hydro boats 5 liters time trails

Mark Moly driving a com jet

Hydro boats 2.5 liters

Bigger hydro boats 5 liters

June 26th through the 28th was the Idaho boat regatta in Burley. Friday was not much just that they did time trails. We did have one boat that did fly into the air after not making the turn on turn 1. They had these boats that the only way they were able to get them into and out of the water was by using a crane. They had the 2.5 liter hydro boats and new this year was the 5 liter hydro boats. These boats looked like a sting ray when they would get started to take off then they would put off a good rooster tail off behind them. On Saturday they did have one good accident that happen with the K boats. Two K boats happened to hit each other when they got started to take turn 1. One boat the side of it was ripped open like a can opener was taken to it and then bent up. The drivers from both K boats are okay and the driver from the accident on friday is okay also. They had one boat come clear from Florida and then there was a driver that was from Austrilia.
I am glad that the boat regatta is over with now hopefully I will get to enjoy more of my summer like going camping. I will never know. Jason and his dad have finally got first cutting cut now its going to take them about a week before they will get first cutting put into bales. Jason is finally going to work early in the morning to rake.

Friday, June 26, 2009

ShoShone Falls and Caldron Linn

Caldron Linn

Caldron Linn

Caldron Linn

ShoShone Falls
On June 24th, I did not feel like going to sleep after I got off work. The first thing that I did was take my car into the dealership for a recall on the 2007's Ford Focus. They checked out the valve stems and everything looks good. Then I went to Old Navy to do some shopping not a very good thing. Then I decided to head down to ShoShone Falls to see what everyone is talking about. Knowing that all of the resoviors are full and some are over max they had to open the gates all the way to get the water moving. With having all of this rain the farmers have not been using the canal water, so the water has been going back into the river. When I got down there I seen people from Florida, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, and Utah. There is alot more water coming down then there was about 2 months ago. I did go down to the Twin Falls but nothing much has changed. Then I drove down to Caldron Linn and there was quit a bit of people there also. There also was alot of water coming through there then before. Above are some pictures that I took of the ShoShone Falls and of Caldron Linn. I hope you enjoy and I do hope everyone goes and see them beofre the water level drops again.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Golf Tournment

Pictured left to right: Darlene Jolley, Grandpa Self, Jason, Kelly, Kenny and Hulian Jolley
not pictured Mark Brower and George Sanders

On June 19th, Jason, my dad, Kelly (Jason's mom), Grandpa Jack Self, Mark Brower and GeorgeSanders went down to jackpot to golf on the course. My mother and I went down to the casino's to gamble. I did pretty good, but on the other hand my mother did better then me. I wish I had her luck. The wind was blowing but as soon as they got done golfing we went to dinner. On the way home it was pouring down rain really good.

Monday, June 15, 2009

New member of the family

Snuggles and Pepper pure breed black lab

First night home.........eating

Pepper sleeping with her favorite toy

Pepper waking up from her nap
We picked Pepper up on wednesday the 10th. She was 8 weeks old and she is no 9 weeks. She has been keeping us up at night. I have been having Jason get up with her to let her outside. She has been doing really good. She has had only three accidents in the house and she has had no accidents in her kennel. Jason can not wait to start working with her so he can takek her bird hunting.

Rain Rain go away

These are pictures that I took of all the rain that we have been getting. I can not believe that it has been raining this much even for the month of June. My husband has not been able to get anything done in the fields due to the rain. They were able to get some fields baled but the other fields that are ready to be cut are not assessable yet. It would be nice for it to stop raining so they can get going since they are already behind.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Retirement Party

Craig and Larry

Gerald and Larry
We had a retirement party for Larry on the 29th of May. He finally decide that its time to retire for being and EMT. He did retire I don't know how many years ago from Cassia sheriffs office also. I wish him the best of luck.