Friday, February 15, 2008


Well everyone Jason and I will be leaving on the 20th of this month for seven days fun in the sun. We have been busy working and trying to get things together. On the 9th of this month Jason and I decided to head up to Boise and visit my mom and then for the fun of it we decided to see how far we could drive up to McCall, Idaho and we got clear up to McCall. If you ever have time during the first part of february, you should go up there during their winter festival and see all of the snow scluptures that are up there. I will have to post the pictures that we got before we leave. When we get back I will get some pictures up here for you all to see. Until then we will talk to you later.

Saturday, February 2, 2008


Well I end the first month of the new year with my first transfer since I started taking call and of cource is the day that the wind was blowing and it was snowing hard. The way up to Twin Falls took an hour to get there due to the roads and coming back took an hour also. The roads were bad where we since a slide off but we did not see any accidents. The storm did keep the ISP busy with all of the slides off and along with the snow plows.

In February is a busy month for both of us. First thing is that my brithday is coming up then there is valatines day, but the way thing that I have been counting down to is our vacation starting the 19th through the 27th of February. I am ready to so somewhere were it is warm. I will be putting pictures up from our vacation when we get back.

Shoshone falls

Jason's mom took these pictures of us down at Shoshone falls in december of 2007 but I know that the date on the pictures say different. She forgot to change the date on the camera. This pictures were used for our christmas cards. There were some goofing ones but I forgot to get them down loaded to the computer. The year 2007 was a busy year for the both of us especially towards the end of the year. We are ready to start this new year with a great start.

party time

This picture was taken in August of 2007 when we had dinner for a friend that was leaving us. We all miss you Camile. This is a really good group to work with.

Well Here are pictures of Jason and I decorating our first christmas tree. This was the only holiday that we really did any decorating inside and outside of the house in 2007, but it was fun. My brogther Jonathan came over and helped Jason decorate the outside of the house. The bottom picture is of the house at night with all of the lights on. There was not much snow at the time of the picture but there was enough that it made it look good.

The back yard

This was the first and only time that Jason got to mow the lawn in 2007 before winter came. Jason using the riding lawn mower. Even the back door with our door mat that reads wipe your paws in front of the doggie door. Then there is our little snuggle greeting the dogs next door through the fence. She really enjoys having a big back yard to her self. There are times I wonder if she even knows what to do besides chasing squirls and barking at the other dogs in the neighborhood.

more pictures

The top picture is where the washer and dryer are along with the second bedroom and a back door leading to the back yard. The next picture is of our kitchen. I am hoping to show pictures of each room finally decorating.

Finally pictures of the house

Here are what some of the rooms looked like after we moved in. I am hoping before we have a get together in May we will have the house looking like the way we want.. The top picture is one of the bathrooms in the house. The next picture is our messy room. The other picture is of our gas fireplace in the living room and the other picture is the other side of the living room. The last picture is our office. At the time of the pictures everything was a mess but things are coming together.