Friday, December 14, 2007


Jason and I are sorry that we have not been putting any updated pictures or even put a new post up since October. We both ahve been busy with work and trying to get things put together. The house is finally getting there. We just finished the kitchen, which I still need to make some small adjustments. The living is almost finished all I need to do is put up some curtains. The rest of the rooms still need some work put in time it will get there. Both of my jobs have been keeping me busy. I am starting to feel comfortable working as an EMT. I have been driving and also been backing the ambulance up into the bay. On the 29th, I finally got my first patient and also got to do my first call in with the information. I was nervous but I made it through ok. Well we hope that everyone is enjoying the holidays. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
See you all next year

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Coming together

Well everything is starting to come together on the new house. I am finally getting things put away where I want them and I am starting to figure out on how I am going to decarte each room. We also have a new addition to our family. We went and adopted her from the dog kennell last friday. She is really cute and adorable. We do not know what kind of breed she is but when you look at her you can't help yourself but to fall in love with. I am still working on pictures, but I have been busy here lately with both of my jobs. SO here this week there will be pictures.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

been busy

Jason and I have been busy moving into our new house and working. We finally got everything into the house so now all we are doing is trying to get everything put away. I have been busy with both of my jobs, but I have been learning a lot as an emt. I have had two patient contacts so far. Working on an ambulance service is different cause each day is different and you will never know what kind of day you are going to have. When I am working I am in the er changing beds, taking patients down to the medical floor or even taking vital signs for the nurses. It give me something to do while waiting to be called out. I have finally been getting pictures taken of the house, so I am hoping that I will be getting them put on here. I also have been busy working on a project for our families for a christmas gift. Hoepfully on friday Jason and I will be getting a new addition to our family and I will also have pictures of her too.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Got the job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well everyone I did tell you that I would let you know if I got the position. Well the wait is over for that past few days I have been filling out paper work, doing a drug test, having a physicial, and finally getting my vaccinations all updated along with blood being drawn. My first day is thursday the 27th. I am scared but excited at the same time. I have the patchs already on my shirt that was given to me, along with getting my emt pants and boots also. Everyone that I have talked to is really happy for me. The next update hopefully will be pictures of pur new house. Talk to everyone later.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

new house & hopefully prn emt-basic

I know that it has been while since I last put a wrote. Well a lot of things have happened since then. On the last post I did say that Jason and I have been house hunting, well we have found one and will be closing on it on the 5th of October. We are both really excited about the whole thing and really can not wait to move and start putting things together. We both have been real busy with work and everything else. I finally did have a interview with cassia regional in the ambulance department and I hopefully will find out if I will be working as a prn EMT-basic. I am really hoping that I get the job. It will be a whole new expirence for me. Another thing that has been on myu mind is that Jason's birthday is coming up also which makes the whole closing on the house a really exciting day cause it is the day after Jason's birthday, so as a gift for his birthday will be a new house and along with the making house payment. (ha ha ha ha). I will keep everyone updated on the ambulance position.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

maybe our own house

Well things have been going good. Jason and I finally went and got preapproved for a home loan on Wednesday and that same day we found a couple of homes. On thursday we went and look at them and found the one that we really liked, so now we are starting our loan process. We are both hoping that we can get the house. We are both really happy about this whole process. We will keep everyone informed.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

all smiles

all love around

the hang

I wanted to share these pictures of Cimonie, Candance, Mark, Jason and I and show you how adoreable, huggable, loveable, and cute that Cimonie is. Then there is other pictures that show how she is all smiles and giggles. I love to show her off cause she is cute like her mother and does show a personality that will always keep everyone laughing and wondering what is is thingking and up to at the same time.

Cimonie's birthday

Here are somre pictures from our trip to Colorado for my neice's first birthday. She has got so big and very independent that she is growing up to quick. I enjoyed every day that we were there that it was hard for me to leave. Cimonie's birthday party was fun and hot at first but then we did get some rain before the day was over. She is all smiles and giggles. She is loveable, huggable and everything that a year old can be. I can not wait to go back and vist again and maybe it will be longer then a few days this time.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

What should I do?????????

Well Jason and I will be leaving town on thursady night and will be back sometime really late saterday night or early sunday morning. I really can not wait to go on this mini vaction that we have planned. It will get me away with everything that has been real stressful during the past few months and maybe I will start to realize what I really want out of my life at this point in time. I have been stressing over trying to get approved for a house loan and getting frustrated on trying to fully another thing at the same time. Part of feels like I just need to move away from the magic valley area and start all over but the part of would miss the people that I work with. I have lived in the magic valley area for 26 years and have a lot of memories with family and friends, but I can not forget that I love this area cause being close to the south hills makes it easy to go camping and not have to travel very far. I miss doing things with my family and with friends but I have not do very much with friends unless it is with Jason friends. I am hoping that when going on vacation that I will be able to relax and recharge my brain and feell better about everything.

Friday, August 10, 2007

The self family

The top picture is a picture od Jason and I with his mom's side of the family that day. Top row: Uncle Scott, Jason and Kelly. BOttom row: Grandpa and Grandma Self, Me, and Aunt Marcee

the jolley family

This is the most recent picture of my family together. Which is of course on the day of my wedding. It was a hot day that day but when it came time for the reception it was fun. May 2005, Jonathan, Jeffrey, Me, Darlene, and Hulian

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

friends meeting

this picture was taken on April 14th, 2007. Cimonie was 8 months in this picture. She keeps getting cute and adorable each time I seen pictures. They are the ones that we are going to see this month and to celebrate her birthday. From left to right: Jason, me, Mark, Candace and in the front is Cimonie.

needing a vacation

We are both ready for a vacation even though it would only be for a few days. We are going to Lochbuie, Colorado to visit my BFF, her husband, and daughter. We are going to celebrate my niece's first birthday. It has been hard not having my BFF around to talk to when there is something on my mind or being stressed out about things. It has been hard to take vacation with each other cause Jason does custom hay and then during the winter he drives truck, but he find time to have a date night with each other and thats okay. We hav been through a lot together since we first dated but we have found our way through every obstcale that has came our way.