Saturday, January 29, 2011

more pics of Riley

daddy feeding him for the first time.

Relaxing under the lights..... Having his first fake tan.... hahahaha

We found out early that Riley likes to suck on his thumb. He was doing this on his first day.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Welcome Riley Jason Weeks

Grandpa & Grandma Jolley & Great Grandma Kober......... Riley Jason Weeks

Dad, Grandpa Jolley, Grandpa & Grandma Weeks

Riley Jason Weeks..... Born 11:31 am, 6 lbs 1 oz, 18 inches long on 1/28.2011

Here is Jason getting ready to go back into the OR room......

Well nothing seem to want to go our way so they got me ready to do a c-section. I will admit that I was nervous and scared about going through with it. We are really happy to have him here.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Here we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We went to my doctor's appointment today and nothing has changed with my blood pressure, so the deision was made to end the pregnancy. I have been admitted into the hospital to start my labor. If nothing happens within 24 hours they will do a c-section in the morning. I started freezing everyone out of my room due to having 2 fans and the air turned down to keep me cool, but that did not really do the trick. We will see what happens in the morning.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

More good news

Had our appointment today and during the monitioring I was having some contractions but I only felt one. During the last appointment I had two of them and did not even know that I did. He was moving a lot today during the appointment and they really liked it. All of my labwork came back looking good along with the ultrasound. Everyday I am getting excited and scared. I can not wait to meet my little guy.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Riley's 33 week ultrasound

Here is Riley's 33 week picture

Here is Riley..... We tired to get a good 4D picture but he seemed like he just was not letting it happened. Thats my little guy :)
The ultrasound went great.... He right on schedule and is doing really good. We got to see him do the sucking motion with his month and then he showed us his fist then waved with his fingers. It was really cute.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

GOOD NEWS!!!!!!!!!

We met with our doctor today and I was able to ask some questions. He will not let me go past 37 weeks and if everything goes really good we will be having Riley at Cassia Hospital, but they change we will be going to Boise to have him. We will be repeating my lab work next week and will be having another ultrasound. He gave us a new due date of February 7th, which it falls on a monday. We will be going for a normal delivery but if nothing progresses within a time frame I will be having a c-section (not really wanting one). We are keeping our fingers crossed that nothing has or will change.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The boys go sking and snowboarding

jonathan riding a ski bike

Craig taking a break

Craig and dad on top of a run
Jonathan, Craig and dad had a blast today. The weather turned 0ut perfect also. They met up with Mark Brower and Dallas later that day and tried the ski bike. Dad has not been sking for a little over 20 years and he did not fall once.