Saturday, October 30, 2010

Gelena Summit

These pictures were taken at the look out on top of gelena summit on Oct 30, 2010... Jason and I were heading home from lowman.... It was snowing at the time jason took these pictures...

more wedding pics

getting the pickup

cutting the cake

Groom and groomsmen

Kober, Jolley and Weeks family

Jeff & Talia's wedding

Families of the bride and Groom along with the wedding party

Parents of the Bride

Parents of the Groom

Bride and Groom

Jeff and Talia were married on October 30th, 2010 in Lowman, Idaho..... The weather turned out to be perfect for the wedding and the wedding it self was beautiful also.... We all had a blast at the wedding also..... Congrats to Jeff and Talia

Friday, October 29, 2010

Lowman, Idaho Bed & Breakfast

This is were we stayed at in Lowman for Jeff and Talia's wedding..... Talia's mother owns this and the building below it were the wedding will be held at.... The weather was beautiful and I wished that I did not have to come home on saturday night at all. Jason and I could live up here....

Thursday, October 28, 2010

dr's appointment

Had our doctors appointment today...... Everything looks good from the heart beat, measuring right along and with the results from the 19 week ultrasound...... I did get in trouble with the dr about my weight. I ended up gaining 9 lbs in a month and he was concerned about that and wants me to start walking a little bit a day and watch on what I eat and how much...... They did have to retake my blood pressure though cause the first reading was a bit high but the second time was lower and were it should be.

My next appointment I have to do the glucosu tolerence test and I am not looking forward to that at all..........

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Busy week

This is going to be a very busy week....... I just got done working my 3 days of work and know I am taking my car in to get the alinement checked and then have to go to costco. I have my dr's appointment on thursday, pick up the dogs and take them to the vet to be boarded and then Jason and I are off to Lowman for a wedding....... Hopefully I will be able to rest and relax before coming back home to start my 3 days of work again.....

Monday, October 25, 2010

October flying by

I can not believe how fast this month has been going..... I have been to boise twice this month, had one weekend at home, and this coming weekend is my brothers wedding and we will be up in Lowman, Idaho for the wedding. I will hopefully have pictures to post for you to see. Before heading to Lowman I do have my doctors appointment ans hopefully everything will be looking good and Riley is growing like he should be. I will keep you posted.

Also what to say happy birthday to my brother jeff!!!!!!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Riley's 1st BSU outfits

Jason finally let me buy a couple of boise state onies. They are so cute.... Now I need to go find a couple of Idaho Vandals oneies

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Jason installing the strollrt

here is what it looks like

Jason trying to figure out how the stroller is suppose to unfold to out the wheels on.
Jason and I had fun trying to figure out how to put the stroller together. We finally figured out how to unfold it and get the wheels put on..... We had fun putting it together.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Newest member of the Martinez Family

Tenley and Candace
I like to welcome the newest member to the martinez family Tenley Nicole Martinez born on Oct 10, 2010.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Riley's first build a bear

Grandma Darlene Jolley, Uncle Jonathan and Aunt Talia went to build a bear and made a bear for Riley.... They even put kid giggling inside the bear. It was really cute. Dad, grandma Kober and I met up with them at Talia and Jeff's house in horseshoe bend on Saturday for the day and they gave this to me...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Riley's first hat

Grandpa Doug Weeks bought Riley his first hat

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Meet Riley Jason Weeks

It's A boy

Here is one foot

here is a arm

Here is his face
Grandma Kober, Grandma Darlene Jolley, Grandma Kelly Weeks, Jason and I went for our ultrasound and everyone could not wait to find out what we are having. I will admit that I was excited to find out also. The baby was not shy on letting us know. We are having a boy and he is doing really good too.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Wishing Happy Brithday's

I want to wish my uncle dioni and Jason a happy brithday for the first part of the month.....

luv ya both