Tuesday, August 31, 2010

last day of august

I can not believe that today is the last day of august..... This month has gone by so fast for me that all I remember is the first week of august, but I guess when you are off work for about 2 1/2 wks and not able to do much time does fly by when you are having fun. :) Well I am 14 wks and 3 days along..... I will soon have another dr.'s appointment coming up and hopefully everything is going good for us.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

my 2 nites back to work

I made it through my first night back to work on the 22nd and now I am working my second night at work and so far its going good. I have one more night of work and then I will be off work. I can not beleive that I am 13 wks along and everything is going good and I hope that it stays that way but if not all I can do is pray that everything will be okay and that we will make it through it. I have started wearing pregnancy cloths cause my pants are fitting a bit snug around the waist.

Friday, August 20, 2010

mom's and Cameron's birthday

Today is my mothers birthday and we took her to twin falls for her birthday. Also it was cameron's birthday too. Jonathan had came down from challis for the weekend but got called back to go fight a fire up by salmon and then my other brother Jeff got sent on a fire also. I hope that they all stay safe. Happy birthday mom and cameron. love you both

Friday, August 13, 2010

Baby Weeks 1st Vidoes

Here is a video of the baby's heart beating

Here is were the baby is moving around

Hope you enjoy the first videos of baby weeks

10 week ultrasound

Here is baby weeks at 10 wks.......

We had this ultrasound to find the source of the problem that I was having (everything is really good). After looking at everything else the ultrasound tech let my mom and me look at the baby and took some pictures and even recorded the baby's heartbeat, the blood flow through the heart and also of the baby moving. He put it on a disk for me..... I showed Jason the vidoes along with my dad, jonathan, and grandma they were all amazed. It took me awhile to figure out a good away of getting the picture on here.. Better late then never.

Friday, August 6, 2010

been couped up..........

I am taking time off from work to rest and to take it easy for awhile for about 2 weeks or until further notice....... Mom, grandma, and I went to twin falls today and got some matrial and two projects for me to work on to give me something else to do while i am sitting around and resting.... When i am finished with my projects i will take some pictures and post them for you to see. I have also been going to bed around 10 pm and have been sleeping longer then i have a couple of months ago... It actually feels good to sleep in longer instead of waking up early in the morning......

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Jason and I have been having such a rollarcoster with the pregnancy but everything is really good. Had another ultreasound to see how things are going and the baby looks really good. Baby has a heart rate of 168 and the baby was having fun moving around. Jason and I have a really active baby. The doctor even double checked to see if there was another baby and he only found one baby. I will hopfully have pictures of the ultrasound posted for everyone to see.