Monday, February 9, 2009


Everyone may already heard that walgreens bought rite aid. Well that is true but they only bought five stores in Idaho. They are Twin Falls, Idaho Falls, Blackfoot, Pocatello and Burley, which means that the names will change. So it will be interseting on how things will go.

so far so good

I am suriving the month of febrauy with working five days a week, all night shifts, celebrating another birthday nad now fighting some type of cold. Jason has been busy with his job and he just found out that he made the short list, so he will still be working this month. Jason and I will be taking a vacation the first part of apirl with my family and some family friends down to las vegas. The other part the is really exciting is that one of my cousins from england will be coming over in march, so he will be able to go with us. Other then that we all have been busy with work. My family has been busy also.