Friday, September 12, 2008

What a night!!!!!!!!

Yesterday I worked a football game and after that is when everything hit the fan. After all the events that happened yesterday I realized that is the reason why I went through the EMT course and got certified. I love helping people when in need. I did not even get home until after midnight, but my husband understood with everything that had happened.

I can not believe that winter is just around the corner and last night when the sun wnet down at the football game you could feel how cool it got and how quick the grass got wet. That is what I call great football weather. HA HA HA....... I know that I am not ready for winter to come but I do know that the Las Vegas trip that has been planned for a few months is not far away and I can not wait but the only thing is that for gthree days Tara and I will be sitting in class learning new things for EMS and how to improve our skills.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Our niece's birthday pictures

Cimonie's new thing now is playing the piano at grandma and grandpa rogers's house. She was entertaining everyone before dinner.

She was trying to ride her little pony that Jason and I got her for her birthday. She try each time and then she would rollover acting like she was buked off.

Here she is opening more presents but she is watching her cousin playing with her little pony.

Everyone gathered around in the kitchen to sing happy birthday to her.

She finally blew out her candles. She could not wait to blow them out. I can not believe that she is two years old already. I can remember flying to colorado when she was only 3 weeks old and helping out. She has b ecame such a chatter box that she cancarry on a conversation and half the time you would not know what she said. We love her a lot.