Thursday, July 17, 2008

Wedding pictures

Here is a pic of the bride Jeanne and the groom Brett. The wedding was beatiful and very short and simple.

Here it is the only picture that anyone wii ever get to see of Jason wearing a tuxs for a friends wedding. He looks really good in a dark blue vest and look at the the bow tie that he is wearing so cute. He was the best man for Brett Vincent on July 12, 2008

Here is us after the wedding ceremony and now enjoying the reception. It had been a long day for us and everyone at the wedding. If I knew that Jason was going to look this good in a tux I would of had him wear one for our wedding, but there is always next time. ha ha ha ha

Jason, Cameron, and Brett you could actually call them the three goof balls, amigos or studgis also. Don't you feel bad for Cameron he is shorter then the other two.

Jason and Brett before the wedding. The wedding was held in Gooding, Idaho at the Basque Center. It was a nice day but it was also hot. After the wedding and everything was done we help the newlyweds take their gifts home and you can say that we all were very tired and was happy that the days was over.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

July already

Well it is now July and we are half way through the year 2008. This month is going to be a busy one for me but the thrid week of July Tara and I will be heading to Colorado for a little vacation. We will go see my friend, her husband and my little niece. I am getting really excited about going and getting way from both of my jobs for a while.

The weather has been nice and hot!!!!! but at night is does cool down a bit and it is real nice being outside without having to wear a jacket or a sweat shirt.