Friday, September 21, 2007

Got the job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well everyone I did tell you that I would let you know if I got the position. Well the wait is over for that past few days I have been filling out paper work, doing a drug test, having a physicial, and finally getting my vaccinations all updated along with blood being drawn. My first day is thursday the 27th. I am scared but excited at the same time. I have the patchs already on my shirt that was given to me, along with getting my emt pants and boots also. Everyone that I have talked to is really happy for me. The next update hopefully will be pictures of pur new house. Talk to everyone later.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

new house & hopefully prn emt-basic

I know that it has been while since I last put a wrote. Well a lot of things have happened since then. On the last post I did say that Jason and I have been house hunting, well we have found one and will be closing on it on the 5th of October. We are both really excited about the whole thing and really can not wait to move and start putting things together. We both have been real busy with work and everything else. I finally did have a interview with cassia regional in the ambulance department and I hopefully will find out if I will be working as a prn EMT-basic. I am really hoping that I get the job. It will be a whole new expirence for me. Another thing that has been on myu mind is that Jason's birthday is coming up also which makes the whole closing on the house a really exciting day cause it is the day after Jason's birthday, so as a gift for his birthday will be a new house and along with the making house payment. (ha ha ha ha). I will keep everyone updated on the ambulance position.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

maybe our own house

Well things have been going good. Jason and I finally went and got preapproved for a home loan on Wednesday and that same day we found a couple of homes. On thursday we went and look at them and found the one that we really liked, so now we are starting our loan process. We are both hoping that we can get the house. We are both really happy about this whole process. We will keep everyone informed.